How to Raise Your Prices Confidently

Ana Patricia Bourgeois
2 min readSep 28, 2022

Often time when raising your prices it can feel scary, but it shouldn’t hold you back from truly charging what you want to charge. Read this article now to find out how to raise your prices confidently!

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Thoughts like these might come up…

🤔’’I’m I good enough to charge this?’’

🤔’’Will they be able to afford it?’’

🤔’’Will they get the results I promised?’’

🤔’’What if they go into all this debt and get disappointed?’’

Always be careful not to project your own fears onto others.

Trust that people will always make the best financial decisions for themselves.

Never assume people don’t have the money to pay you or that they can’t figure things out for themselves.

Always trust that they know exactly what’s right for them and that when they invest at a higher level, they also have a higher integrity.

They WILL show up, they WILL take action and put in the work.

So why wouldn’t they get the best results working with you?

If you’re a powerful leader and you’ve already helped many clients in the past, there’s no reason why you can’t raise your prices today.

