#RealityCheck: Your Journey Isn’t Supposed to Be a Straight Line

Ana Patricia Bourgeois
2 min readMar 10, 2022


Sometimes we have this unrealistic expectation of how our journeys of entrepreneurship is supposed to look like and we start to feel not good enough about ourselves when we don’t reach these ideals. Here’s your reality check!

Let’s connect on IG @anapatricia.coach

At first glance, you might think I have all my sh*t together, but the real truth is…🤭

At 15, my parents divorced & I had to work two jobs while going to school full-time to help with bills. I was barely making $9/hr in both jobs.

At 23, I graduated from University with a bachelor’s in Communications but decided to take my first risk & start my own social media agency.

At 24, my agency failed so I started taking freelance social media contracts to be able to stay afloat.

At 25, I pivoted & got certified as a coach & started working on my own personal brand online. Had ZERO clients.

At 26, I quit my 9–5 that was sucking my energy, hired my first coach (even if it made zero sense logically) & was able to completely replace my income.

At 27, I’ve had 10 consecutive 4-fig cash months working with dream clients.

I’m sharing this because I want to show you that…

👉A. This journey isn’t a straight line.

👉B. I’ve failed many times before I was ever successful.

The universe will send you some bumps in the road, test you, & see if you are truly ALL IN on your dreams.

To succeed you gotta be stronger than your circumstances & never give up.

  • Powerful leaders are willing to be wrong, to be triggered, and to be imperfect.
  • Powerful leaders are ready to be uncomfortable, stretched, and expanded.
  • Powerful leaders are powerful because they turn bad situations into fuel for moving forward.
  • Powerful leaders trust the unfolding. They trust the process.

Ultimately, to reach this level of emotional intelligence, these leaders have co-pilots.

They have a coach or mentor in their corner who’s there to remind them of their power.

To see in them what they might have lost while reaching their destination.

To pull all the pieces back together, find clarity and confidence to keep driving.

That’s how powerful having a coach is- and I know for a fact I wouldn’t be where I am right now without daily support & guidance.

PS: My 1:1 coaching will be increasing soon & I only have 2 spots open.

You know what to do! Book your free call here!😏


Coach Ana

