My Morning Journal #1 — Taking Action

Anarcho Joe
4 min readSep 20, 2017


Tomorrow will be the three week anniversary of my fiery dismissal from the real estate marketing gig I was actively looking to replace. Now I have to replace it sooner than I thought! I worked there for just over three and a half years alongside some of the worst personalities I have ever encountered. Fortunately, I gained what Scott Adams describes in his book, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big, a wide-ranging talent stack: copy writing, graphic design, social media and database management, sales and marketing techniques, etc. I am grateful for the opportunity and it’s a blessing that it ended this way, otherwise, I may have ended up in jail for twenty plus years as a result of a violent encounter.

Buy this book!

So here I am, writing again. My first stint in writing articles came about during the 2008 Presidential Campaign of Ron Paul. I’ve been ‘woke’ for quite some time. I received lots of views, encouragement from friends and family, and I was published on a few popular liberty-oriented websites. But somewhere along the way, I lost the spark, the motivation, whatever it was that made it fun and interesting.

Now that I have a lot more free time on my hands, I’m venturing back into the process of putting words together for myself and others to read. Already I feel the therapeutic feedback from clearing the cobwebs out of the old attic.

Another great book I’m currently reading is Tim Ferriss’ Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers. It’s about three inches thick or more and I’ve loved most of it so far. In the intro, Tim advises his readers to treat the book like a buffet: if the subject matter isn’t interesting to you, then skip it. Don’t waste time reading seemingly useless information. You can always go back when to those sections when life changes and you need to learn more about putting your body into a state of ketosis!

Buy this book!

Taking Action

One of the key takeaways, and there are many, is that these world-class performers typically have a morning routine. Tony Robbins, James Altucher, and others get up and take action. That has been one of my main faults: not taking action. I’ve educated myself on lots of topics including Austrian economics, spiritual and philosophical ideas, etc., but haven’t applied that knowledge as well as I could have.

This morning journal series is an example of taking action. A few more tasks I’ve accomplished so far this morning:

  • Made the bed (highly-underrated)
  • Fed the dog
  • Took a shower ending with sixty seconds of cold water
  • Meditated for eight minutes, almost reached the ten minute goal
  • Took out the trash
  • Watered the garden
  • Updated my Crypto Asset Tracking spreadsheet (BTC, LTC, ETH) and bought some more Litecoin
  • Walked my fiancee out to the car and took a cool pic of a giant spider web outside the house

These are somewhat small accomplishments, and I left out a few, but it’s better than laying in bed staring at my Twitter feed and feeling sorry for myself.

Now What?

The day is far from over, and one great thing about being unemployed is that your day is yours — you can do whatever you want. Here’s what’s on deck:

  • Apply for more marketing jobs online
  • Finish the math section of the Pre-license Real Estate Courses
  • Make some current event memes
  • Lots of push-ups, hit the punching bag, and walk the dog
  • Make a roasted roma tomato sauce — yum!

The books I mentioned above have been invaluable to my outlook on life and I highly recommend them if you are interested in self-improvement…which you should be!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, it’s my first post on Medium!

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Anarcho Joe

Free Markets - Trump - The State . Follow on Twitter: @anarcho_joe