Parody Script: Analyze This!

Alexa Nargi
6 min readAug 7, 2020

The following “script” was written as a fan submission for the podcast Never Seen It with Kyle Ayers. Every week, Comedian Kyle Ayers invites fellow comics, friends and lots of funny people on to write and read parts for scripts from movies they’ve never seen, based on what they think happens. It’s the best. Follow them on all the things: (Instagram, Twitter).

I submitted my script for a fan script episode a few months back and I was shocked when it was read on the pod. It’s incredibly stupid and I had way too much fun writing it. Watch the video of the gang reading the script here or read on for the full text!

Screenshot from Instagram:

Analyze This!

As never seen by Alexa and based solely on the “hilarious” snippets my dad told me throughout my adolescence and his weird romanticizing of mob movies that must be rooted in our vaguely Italian heritage.

Cast of Characters:

Joey — head mobster. Stereotypical New York-Italian accent.


Angelo — Joey’s mobster friend/co-mobster. Same stereotypical accent.

Maria — waitress at their usual lunch spot



Alexa Nargi

figuring it out. Topics: mental health, philosophy, food, travel. Published in The Startup, Invisible Illness, 4th Wave Feminism.