Ensuring Model Estimation Validity: A Deep Dive into Linear Regression Assumptions

Anas Aberchih
5 min readJan 2, 2024


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Introduction to Assumptions and Their Significance

In the realm of linear regression, assumptions play a crucial role in ensuring the validity of our model estimations. This article explores the fundamental assumptions and their significance in maintaining the accuracy and reliability of our predictions.

I’ll be going through 6 of the most important assumptions to help you accurately make the most out of your model's data.


The linearity assumption in linear regression posits that the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is linear. In simpler terms, the change in the mean of the dependent variable is constant for any change in an independent variable while holding other variables constant.

Linearity assumption

The reason behind this relationship is that if the relationship is non-linear — which is certainly the case in the real-world data — then the predictions made by our linear regression model will not be accurate and will vary from the actual observations a lot, thus violating this assumption can lead to biased predictions.

So, ensuring linearity in our model is essential for an accurate, well-built model.

Detecting Linearity: Using visual inspection, scatter plots, or transformations will help you recognize the linearity aspect of your model.

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This assumption assumes that the residuals (the differences between observed and predicted values) are normally distributed. By fostering a more linear representation of our data, normalization significantly augments the likelihood of achieving highly accurate predictions. This commitment to linearity is important, significantly enhancing the accuracy of our model predictions.

Following this, it’s noteworthy to mention that remedies exist for deviations from normality. One powerful approach is leveraging the Central Limit Theorem, which offers techniques to transform or enhance data, fostering a more normal distribution.

No Endegenuity

Endogeneity refers to a situation in regression analysis where an independent variable is correlated with the error term.
In an ideal regression model, the independent variables should not be correlated with the error term. However, when endogeneity is present, there is a correlation between at least one independent variable and the error term.

In simple terms, when we have an independent variable x1 correlated — influenced by — with another independent variable x2 that we didn't consider in our model, x1 becomes correlated with the error term.

Let’s give a concrete example:

Let’s say that we want to predict home prices, and the following as parameters:

  • size — Size of the house
  • floors — Total floors (levels) in the house
  • date — Date(day) when the house was sold

Let’s say, for example, the center of London has small houses that cost a lot. So for our model, it seems that in that area, the smaller the size of the houses, the higher the price.

Here, the size becomes correlated with the error, because as we already noticed, we did not consider the location of the house as a parameter, thus making our predictions inaccurate.

Detecting Endegenuity: Assessing correlations between independent variables and residuals, and examining patterns in residuals may reveal potential endogeneity.

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Homoscedasticity refers to the assumption in regression analysis that the variance of the residuals (the differences between observed and predicted values) remains constant across all levels of the independent variable(s). In simpler terms, it implies that the spread of residuals is consistent throughout the range of predictor values.

When homoscedasticity is met, a scatter plot of residuals against predicted values should not show any discernible pattern, and there should be a consistent dispersion of points around the horizontal axis.

Homoscedasticity is crucial for the reliability of statistical inferences and the validity of hypothesis tests. Violations can lead to inefficient and biased estimates of the model parameters.

Detecting Homoscedasticity: A constant spread of points around the horizontal axis in your scatter plot suggests homoscedasticity.

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No Autocorrelation

The assumption assumes that the residuals are independent of each other. ensures that the residuals do not exhibit a systematic pattern over time or across observations, which is essential for the validity of statistical analyses.

No autocorrelation is vital for ensuring the efficiency of parameter estimates, the validity of hypothesis tests, and the reliability of statistical inferences.

Detecting Autocorrelation: Examine a scatter plot of residuals against time or observation order. Look for patterns or trends that may indicate autocorrelation.

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No Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is a phenomenon in regression analysis where two or more independent variables in a model are highly correlated, making it challenging to separate their individual effects on the dependent variable. In simpler terms, it indicates a strong linear relationship between predictor variables.

In more simple terms, if you can represent a variable with another variable, there’s no need to use both.

This assumption can lead to unstable coefficient estimates and inflated standard errors, making it difficult to identify the unique contribution of each predictor.

Detecting Multicollinearity:

Examine the correlation matrix between independent variables. High correlation coefficients (near ±1) indicate potential multicollinearity.

Plus, Calculating the VIF(Variance Inflation Factor) for each predictor can be a huge indicator of multicollinearity, Higher VIF values suggest higher levels of multicollinearity.

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In conclusion, a successful regression analysis relies on several critical assumptions that underpin the validity and reliability of the model. As we navigate the intricacies of our data, acknowledging and addressing these assumptions becomes paramount in ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of our findings.

It’s crucial to remember that while assumptions provide a sturdy framework, reality may present challenges. We explored methods to detect and address deviations from these assumptions, ensuring our models remain resilient in the face of real-world complexity.

I hope this article was helpful and easy to read, and don’t forget to mark your presence by engaging with this post, have a blessed reading.



Anas Aberchih

Master's student in Data science. Active member of the CS community, constantly seeking to expand my knowledge through conferences, workshops, and hackathons.