My experience in Germany

My Cultural Shocks in Germany

Anas Anjaria
3 min readMay 30, 2022
Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

I am from Pakistan and have experienced the following cultural shocks in Germany.

An apartment search is similar to job hunting or dating

Searching for an apartment is very stressful. It is similar to job hunting or dating. It would only work when both parties like each other. It is simply not about affording the rent of an apartment, but it is more than that.

I have heard from one of my German colleagues that sometimes landlords reject couples, the one in a relationship, simply because they might break up. And a landlord has to spend time again searching for a new tenant.

I was surprised to know that people spend years searching for an apartment, and it is normal. My colleague found an apartment after two and a half years. I am still struggling and have already spent a year, but no luck yet.

Apartments with an open kitchen

Mostly you will find an apartment with an open kitchen. An open kitchen means having an empty area for the kitchen without stoves, a cupboard, etc. You must install everything by yourself. If you would like to move out in the future, either sell it out to a new tenant or throw it away.

One could not imagine an apartment with an open kitchen in my home county.

Changing rooms in the gym

It’s not uncommon that people are completely naked in changing rooms — not wearing anything. I mean, not even underwear. Changing rooms are big rooms with lots of lockers but without any privacy. Everyone is changing their clothes right there.

Often after a workout, one would like to take a shower. There would be a section for taking a shower but without any doors. It’s completely open.

In the beginning, I was shocked. But it is getting normal over time.

Team dinner in a restaurant

I had team dinner in my home county, where we ordered multiple dishes as per need. And the food was shared among the whole team.

However, it is different in Germany. Everybody will order food individually of one’s own choice and enjoy it.

An insurance company needs weird confirmation every year

Every year I receive a letter from my insurance company where I need to confirm that my wife and I are still living together. I don’t find it impolite but simply weird.

As a Pakistani, the concept of marriage is different. It is not about marrying two people but two families. Once people are married, they mostly live together till death and don’t get apart.

Quiet Sundays

Sundays are considered quiet and holy days for Germans. This means that nobody works, shops even grocery stores are closed and most importantly people would like to have silence and peace.

Therefore, one is not allowed to use a drill machine or any sort of equipment that disturbs people's peace on this day.

Here is a funny story. While searching for an apartment, I called a person on Sunday. He declined my call and texted me. It’s a silence day or ruhiger Tag in German :).


Every culture has its own norms, that’s the beauty and I respect that. By sharing these culture shocks, I am not spreading any negative energies or hatred.

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