Data Analytics: Understanding the Steps Involved

Mohammad Anas
10 min readFeb 9, 2023


How data Analytics help Netflix in the transition from DVD-by-mail rental service to a streaming service, case studies of Walmart, Framingham Heart, Chicago Bulls, and many more. This newsletter will take a detailed look at the various steps involved in data analytics, including understanding the problem, data preprocessing, and data interpretation with some mind-boggling case studies.

Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

Data Analytics is a field that has been growing rapidly in recent years. It involves analyzing large amounts of data to extract insights and make informed decisions. This process can be broken down into several steps, and each of these steps is critical to the success of the analytics project.

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

Understanding the problem is an essential step in data analysis. It involves identifying the question that needs to be answered and determining the type of data that is needed to answer the question. Understanding the problem is crucial because it helps to ensure that the analysis is focused and relevant.

In business, understanding the problem is often the first step in using data analysis to improve decision-making. For example, a retail company might notice that sales are declining for a particular product line. Understanding the problem would involve determining why sales are declining, which could involve analyzing data related to consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive products. By understanding the problem, the company can use data analysis to identify potential solutions and develop a plan to address the issue.

One real-world example of the importance of understanding the problem in data analysis is the case of Netflix. In the early 2000s, Netflix was a DVD-by-mail rental service that was facing increasing competition from other rental services. To understand the problem, Netflix used data analysis to determine what its customers wanted. The company analyzed customer data to identify what types of movies customers liked, how often they rented movies, and other factors. By understanding the problem, Netflix was able to develop a successful strategy for transitioning to a streaming service, which has since become the primary way that people watch movies and TV shows.

In science, understanding the problem is essential for designing effective research studies. For example, a medical researcher might be interested in developing a new treatment for a particular disease. Understanding the problem would involve determining what is currently known about the disease, what the gaps in knowledge are, and what types of data would be needed to develop an effective treatment. By understanding the problem, the researcher can design a study that is focused and relevant.

One past case study of the importance of understanding the problem in science is the discovery of penicillin. In the early 20th century, bacterial infections were a leading cause of death, and there were few effective treatments. Alexander Fleming, a Scottish researcher, was interested in developing new treatments for bacterial infections. He noticed that a particular mold was able to kill bacteria, and he used data analysis to understand the problem of how the mold was able to kill bacteria. By understanding the problem, Fleming was able to isolate the active ingredient in the mold, which he named penicillin. Penicillin became the first widely used antibiotic, and it has saved millions of lives.

Step 2: Data Collection

Once you have a clear understanding of the problem, the next step is to collect the data you need. This may involve sourcing data from internal systems, external sources, or a combination of both. When collecting data, it’s important to ensure that it is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. The data should also be in a format that is easily readable by the analytics tools you plan to use.

Data gathering is a crucial process that involves obtaining information from various sources. The process of data gathering is used in various fields, including business, science, medicine, social sciences, and more. One common method of data gathering surveys, which are used to collect information from a group of people. In business, for example, surveys are used to obtain feedback from customers and employees. This feedback can be used to improve products and services, develop marketing strategies, and make other important business decisions.

A well-known example of the use of data gathering in business is the case of Walmart. In 2004, Walmart launched a new product line of organic food products. However, the company was unsure whether its customers were interested in buying organic food products. To determine the level of interest in organic foods, Walmart conducted a survey of its customers. The survey revealed that there was a significant demand for organic food products, and Walmart went on to become one of the largest retailers of organic food products in the United States. This example highlights how data gathering can be used to make essential business decisions.

In the field of science, data gathering is used to obtain information for research and analysis. For example, in medical research, data gathering is used to collect information from patients to help identify risk factors and develop treatments for various diseases. Data gathering in science can involve a range of methods, including observations, experiments, and surveys.

One past case study of data gathering in science is the Framingham Heart Study. This study began in 1948 and involved the collection of data from a group of people in Framingham, Massachusetts. The study aimed to identify the risk factors for heart disease and to develop strategies to prevent heart disease. The study has produced numerous important findings, including the identification of high blood pressure and high cholesterol as major risk factors for heart disease. The Framingham Heart Study is an excellent example of the use of data gathering in science to advance our understanding of important health issues.

Step 3: Data Preprocessing

Once you have collected your data, the next step is to preprocess it. This involves cleaning, transforming, and formatting the data so that it is ready for analysis. This step is critical because the quality of your analysis will depend on the quality of your data. Common preprocessing tasks include removing missing values, handling outliers, and converting data into the correct format.

Data preprocessing is a critical step in data analysis that involves transforming raw data into a usable format. Data preprocessing is necessary because raw data is often incomplete, inconsistent, and contains errors that can affect the accuracy of the analysis. Data preprocessing involves several steps, including data cleaning, data integration, data transformation, and data reduction.

Data cleaning is the process of identifying and correcting errors in the data. This can involve removing duplicate records, filling in missing values, and correcting inconsistent data. Data integration involves combining data from multiple sources into a single dataset. This can involve resolving conflicts in data formats and merging data that has different attributes.

Data transformation involves converting the data into a suitable format for analysis. This can involve changing the scale of the data, normalizing the data, and applying mathematical functions to the data. Data reduction involves reducing the size of the data while maintaining relevant information. This can involve summarizing the data, selecting relevant features, or sampling the data.

In business, data preprocessing is used to ensure that data analysis is accurate and relevant. For example, a marketing company might use data preprocessing to analyze customer data to develop targeted marketing campaigns. Data preprocessing would involve cleaning the data, integrating data from different sources, transforming the data to make it suitable for analysis, and reducing the size of the data to focus on the most relevant information.

One real-world example of the importance of data preprocessing in business is the case of the Chicago Bulls. In the 1990s, the Chicago Bulls were one of the most successful basketball teams in history. The team used data analysis to identify the most effective strategies for winning games. Data preprocessing was a critical step in this process because it involved cleaning and integrating data from multiple sources, transforming the data into a format that was suitable for analysis, and reducing the size of the data to focus on the most relevant information.

In science, data preprocessing is used to ensure that research studies are accurate and relevant. For example, a medical researcher might use data preprocessing to analyze patient data to identify risk factors for a particular disease. Data preprocessing would involve cleaning the data, integrating data from multiple sources, transforming the data to make it suitable for analysis, and reducing the size of the data to focus on the most relevant information.

One past case study of the importance of data preprocessing in science is the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project was a massive scientific undertaking that aimed to sequence the entire human genome. Data preprocessing was a critical step in this process because it involved cleaning and integrating data from multiple sources, transforming the data into a format that was suitable for analysis, and reducing the size of the data to focus on the most relevant information.

Step 4: Data Exploration

Data exploration is the process of understanding the data that is being analyzed. Data exploration involves visualizing and summarizing the data to gain insights into the characteristics of the data. The goal of data exploration is to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in the data. Data exploration can be used to identify potential problems with the data, such as outliers or missing values, and to guide the selection of appropriate analytical methods.

Data exploration involves several techniques, including descriptive statistics, data visualization, and data clustering. Descriptive statistics involve calculating summary measures of the data, such as the mean, median, and standard deviation. Data visualization involves creating charts and graphs to display the data in a visual format. Data clustering involves grouping the data into clusters based on their similarities.

In business, data exploration is used to understand customer behavior and to develop marketing strategies. For example, a retailer might use data exploration to identify patterns in customer purchases and to develop targeted marketing campaigns. Data exploration would involve analyzing customer purchase data, visualizing the data to identify patterns and trends, and clustering the data to group similar customers.

One real-world example of the importance of data exploration in business is the case of Target. Target used data exploration to identify customers who were likely to be pregnant and to develop targeted marketing campaigns. Target analyzed customer purchase data to identify patterns in purchases that were associated with pregnancy, such as buying unscented lotion or vitamins. Target then used this information to develop targeted marketing campaigns for these customers.

In science, data exploration is used to understand complex systems and to develop models. For example, a climate scientist might use data exploration to identify patterns in temperature and precipitation data and to develop climate models. Data exploration would involve analyzing temperature and precipitation data, visualizing the data to identify patterns and trends and clustering the data to group similar weather patterns.

One past case study of the importance of data exploration in science is the case of the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope is a powerful telescope that is used to observe distant galaxies and other objects in space. Data exploration was a critical step in this process because it involved analyzing and visualizing large amounts of data to identify interesting objects and to guide further observations.

Step 5: Data Interpretation

Data interpretation is the process of making sense of the data that has been collected and analyzed. Data interpretation involves drawing conclusions and making predictions based on the data. The goal of data interpretation is to extract meaningful insights from the data and to use these insights to make informed decisions.

Data interpretation involves several techniques, including statistical inference, machine learning, and predictive modeling. Statistical inference involves using the data to make inferences about a larger population. Machine learning involves using algorithms to learn patterns and relationships in the data. Predictive modeling involves using the data to make predictions about future events or outcomes.

In business, data interpretation is used to understand customer behavior and to develop marketing strategies. For example, a retailer might use data interpretation to identify the most profitable customer segments and to develop targeted marketing campaigns. Data interpretation would involve analyzing customer purchase data and using statistical inference to make predictions about customer behavior.

One real-world example of the importance of data interpretation in business is the case of Netflix. Netflix used data interpretation to develop its recommendation engine, which recommends movies and TV shows to its customers. Netflix analyzed viewing data from its customers and used machine learning algorithms to learn patterns in their viewing behavior. This allowed Netflix to make personalized recommendations to its customers, which improved customer satisfaction and retention.

In science, data interpretation is used to understand complex systems and to develop models. For example, a biologist might use data interpretation to understand the mechanisms of gene expression. Data interpretation would involve analyzing gene expression data and using statistical inference to make predictions about gene expression patterns.

One past case study of the importance of data interpretation in science is the case of the Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project was a massive effort to sequence the human genome, which contains all of the DNA that makes up a human being. Data interpretation was a critical step in this process because it involved making sense of the massive amounts of data generated by the sequencing process.

So, data interpretation is a critical step in data analysis that involves making sense of the data that has been collected and analyzed. Real-world examples and past case studies demonstrate the importance of data interpretation in business and science to extract meaningful insights from the data and to use these insights to make informed decisions. Data interpretation involves several techniques, including statistical inference, machine learning, and predictive modeling.

In conclusion, data analytics is a complex and multi-step process that requires a thorough understanding of the problem, the data, and the methods used for analysis. By following the steps outlined in this newsletter, you can ensure that your data analytics projects are successful and provide valuable insights.



Mohammad Anas

Data Science, Science Story Teller. I love Writing About Perplexing Topics such as Psychology, Math, logics And Explaining them, a Beautiful Way.