A Hero’s What: Confronting the Age of Dystopia

Exploring the Hero brand archetype takes us into the realm of inspiring change and personal growth. This archetype, with its essence of empowering products and values like courage and honor, stirs a feeling of recognition and empowerment among customers.


The Hero archetype guides strategic brand positioning, impacting experience, narrative, and digital presence. It emphasizes empowerment, challenge, and achievement, inspiring corporate cultures and leadership styles.

A Hero

Brand Type: What?
Key Motivator: Change
Essence: Products that enable personal growth and societal balance
Values: Courage, Honor, Resilience
Response: Customers feel recognised and empowered

Archetype Variations

The Trailblazer, The Champion
The Protector, The Warrior

1. Brand Strategy

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Embodies valour, is universally inspiring, and champions collective well-being without pretence.
Weaknesses: May become indistinct if it doesn’t establish a unique heroic narrative.
Opportunities: Potential to thrive in environments that prize heroism, unity, and authenticity.
Threats: Faces challenges in markets that favour exclusivity or specialised experiences.

PESTEL analysis

Political: Advocates for egalitarian principles and supports civic engagement.
Economic: Attracts a wide market, especially in times when economic resilience and value are prized.
Social: Engages a community-driven audience aiming for social reform and equity.
Technological: Introduces groundbreaking technologies that spearhead community enhancement and individual empowerment.
Environmental: Leads environmental advocacy, promoting actions that drive sustainable change.
Legal: Aligns with and promotes laws that advance social justice and collective welfare.

Archetype Usage Examples

USA (hero-themed fitness programs), Japan (resilience-focused safety gear), China (empowerment-driven educational apps), Norway (equality-based community centres), Canada (adventure sports clubs promoting courage), France (fashion lines inspired by historical heroes), India (emergency response training services), Brazil (inspirational community event planning), South Africa (rights-awareness campaigns), Australia (survival skills workshops), New Zealand (conservation volunteer groups).

Attracted Shopper Types

Innocent shoppers are attracted to Hero brands for their embodiment of virtue and courage, qualities that resonate with the Innocent’s pursuit of a good and honest life.

Everyman shoppers are drawn to Hero brands because they represent the triumph of the collective, aligning with the Everyman’s values of camaraderie and authenticity.

Heroes naturally gravitate towards Hero brands that reflect their own dedication to bravery and justice, seeing these brands as allies in their quest to improve the world.

Caregivers are compelled by Hero brands’ commitment to protection and empowerment, which mirrors their own nurturing spirit and desire to safeguard their community.

2. Brand Look & Feel

Brand UX

Empowerment: The user experience is crafted to make each user feel like a hero in their own story, capable and equipped to overcome challenges.
Challenge: Incorporates elements of gamification that challenge users, reflecting the Hero’s journey of overcoming obstacles.
Achievement: Celebrates user milestones with rewards or recognition, paralleling the Hero’s triumphs and victories.
Protection: Ensures users feel secure and protected, with robust privacy settings and transparent data practices, mirroring the Hero’s protective nature.

Brand Identity

Logo: Bold and emblematic, often incorporating motifs of strength and valour that resonate with the Hero’s spirit.
Colour Palette: Robust, primary colours that evoke a sense of boldness and action. Think of reds for courage, blues for loyalty, and blacks for determination.
Shapes and Forms: Defined, angular shapes that convey a sense of strength and stability.
Textures: Materials that suggest resilience and endurance, such as metal, stone textures, or rugged leather.
Imagery: Dynamic images of individuals or groups in action, embodying the Hero’s active and adventurous spirit.
Lines: Strong, definitive lines that communicate a clear direction and purpose, akin to the Hero’s path.
Typography: Bold, block typefaces that stand out and command attention, indicative of the Hero’s leadership and confidence.
Lighting and Effects: Dramatic lighting that highlights strength and vitality, casting the Hero’s journey in a literal and figurative spotlight.
Composition: Dynamic and focused compositions that lead the eye and inspire engagement, much like the Hero’s journey.
Characters: Characters depicted as brave and aspirational, often seen overcoming challenges or leading others.
Scenery: Inspirational settings that evoke grandeur and challenge, such as mountain peaks, vast horizons, or scenes of triumph.
Motion: Assertive and impactful animations that capture the essence of action and determination, true to the Hero’s nature.

3. Brand Story

Simon Sinek Golden Circle

What? — brand story focus: A product designed to empower and inspire, providing solutions that encourage strength and action in everyday life.
How? By creating solutions that enable users to act boldly and decisively.
Why? To foster resilience and a can-do spirit in everyday life.

Brand Narrative Ideas

Courage vs. Fear
Honor vs. Dishonor
Resilience vs. Fragility
Empowerment vs. Helplessness
Leadership vs. Following

🛡️, ⚔️, 🏹, 🏰, 🌉, 🗺️, 🧭, 📖, 🔥, 🤝, 🚀, 🏆

Tone of voice

Inspiring and motivating
Bold and trustworthy
Confident and supportive


Heroic, empowering, bold, resilient, inspiring, trustworthy, confident, steadfast, uplifting, valiant, courageous, strong, supportive, leading, motivational, influential, reliable, determined, unwavering, proactive, honourable, pioneering, unyielding.

Storytelling Tips

Craft a narrative that highlights the complexities of life and the individual’s journey to overcome them. Speak to the adversities and triumphs that the audience identifies with. Position the product as a catalyst for action, emphasizing its role in enabling users to tackle life’s obstacles. Emphasise the product’s ability to support the user’s journey toward personal and collective victories. Conclude with the product’s dedication to fostering strength, leadership, and proactive engagement in the user’s life.

Brand World Ideas

Setting & Environment: A dynamic world where challenges are met with courage and determination.
Inhabitants & Creatures: Heroes, mentors, and allies that represent various facets of strength and leadership.
Narrative & Plot: Stories of overcoming adversity, leading by example, and the power of unity in facing common challenges.
Aesthetics & Art Style: Bold and vibrant visuals, stirring soundtracks, and imagery that evokes a sense of action and progress.
Interactivity & Exploration: Opportunities to demonstrate leadership, engage in problem-solving, and collaborate for greater causes.
Technology & Tools: Innovative gadgets, tools for empowerment, and resources that aid in personal and community advancement.

4. Landing Page

Inspiring and Aspirational Imagery:
• Features powerful and high-quality images that evoke a sense of adventure, challenge, and triumph.
• Uses visuals that depict people overcoming obstacles or achieving success, aligning with the Hero’s journey motif.
• Incorporates bold and action-oriented scenes that stimulate a feeling of energy and determination.

Motivational and Empowering Copy:
• Employs stirring language that challenges visitors to take action and be their best selves.
• Highlights the transformative impact of the product or service, underscoring how it enables users to achieve their goals.
• Articulates a compelling vision of success and victory that the product or service promises to deliver.

Clear Call to Action:
• Presents strong and clear calls to action (CTAs) that encourage visitors to embark on their journey with the brand.
• Positions CTAs as steps toward becoming a hero, using verbs and phrases that suggest empowerment and action.
• Uses design elements to make CTAs stand out, ensuring they are a focal point on the page.

Testimonials of Challenge and Success:
• Showcases testimonials and stories of customers who have faced challenges and achieved their goals, resonating with the Hero narrative.
• Includes case studies or before-and-after scenarios that demonstrate the effectiveness of the product or service.
• Features endorsements from authoritative and respected figures, adding credibility to the message of empowerment.

User Journey and Progress Tracking:
• Illustrates a clear path or journey that the user will take by engaging with the product or service, emphasising progression and growth.
• Offers tools or interactive elements that allow users to track their progress or see potential outcomes.
• Provides a roadmap or plan that outlines the steps to success, reinforcing the journey aspect of the Hero archetype.

5. Instagram

Epic and Inspirational Content:
• Shares content that inspires action, such as quotes about courage, perseverance, and overcoming adversity.
• Posts stories of triumph and success, whether from notable figures or everyday individuals who embody the Hero spirit.
• Uses a strong and assertive visual language, with bold colors and dynamic compositions that capture the essence of challenge and victory.

Engaging and Dynamic Stories:
• Utilises the Instagram Stories feature to share real-time challenges, achievements, and motivational moments.
• Encourages followers to share their own Hero journeys, creating a collaborative narrative of empowerment.
• Offers behind-the-scenes glimpses into the hard work and dedication required to achieve goals, providing a more human and relatable aspect to the Hero narrative.

Aspirational Visuals:
• Curates a feed with high-quality, striking imagery that showcases the grandeur and drama of the Hero’s journey.
• Incorporates visual motifs of ascent, such as mountains, skyscrapers, or any visuals that imply reaching new heights.
• Presents before-and-after transformations, not just in terms of physical achievements but also personal growth and development.

Community Challenges and Calls to Action:
• Initiates challenges or campaigns that encourage followers to engage in acts of Heroism, such as fitness challenges or acts of kindness.
• Uses call-to-action prompts to inspire followers to take bold steps in their own lives and share their progress.
• Creates a hashtag specific to the Hero’s journey, inviting followers to contribute to a collective storytelling experience.

Empowering and Supportive Interaction:
• Engages with followers in a manner that reinforces their potential for greatness, offering encouragement and praise.
• Shares resources, tips, and advice that help followers overcome their challenges and move closer to their goals.
• Provides a platform for followers to voice their struggles and victories, fostering a supportive community that champions the Hero within each person.

6. Chat Bot

Empowering Conversational Style:
• Uses language that is affirmative and action-oriented, encouraging users to take the next step in their journey.
• Provides responses that uplift the user, emphasizing their ability to overcome obstacles.
• Engages with users in a way that makes them feel brave and capable of achieving their goals.

Solution-Focused Interactions:
• Focuses on helping users solve their problems with practical advice and support.
• Quickly identifies user challenges and offers decisive, clear guidance to help them move forward.
• Leverages proactive problem-solving techniques to anticipate user needs and offer solutions before they even ask.

Inspirational Content Delivery:
• Shares motivational quotes, success stories, and affirmations that inspire users to persevere.
• Provides content and resources that are designed to help users grow and develop their skills.
• Delivers personalised success stories and testimonials that resonate with the user’s situation or goals.

Dynamic and Intuitive Guidance:
• Adapts to the user’s tone and emotional state, offering a tailored conversational experience that feels personal and engaging.
• Guides users through processes or decision-making with confidence, ensuring they feel supported at each step.
• Uses an assertive and confident tone to model the Hero archetype and inspire the same in users.

Challenge and Achievement Tracking:
• Incorporates interactive elements that help users track their progress towards a goal, reinforcing the Hero’s journey.
• Celebrates milestones and achievements with users, acknowledging their hard work and success.
• Offers encouragement and constructive feedback, helping users to reflect on their journey and prepare for future challenges.

7. Corporate Culture

Cultivating a Culture of Achievement:
• Encourages employees to set and pursue ambitious goals, fostering a spirit of accomplishment.
• Recognises and rewards bravery in decision-making and the willingness to take calculated risks.
• Celebrates successes openly and uses them as inspiration for continuous improvement and reaching higher standards.

Encouraging Resilience and Perseverance:
• Supports a work environment where challenges are seen as opportunities to learn and grow stronger.
• Provides resources and training for employees to develop resilience and persistence in the face of adversity.
• Promotes a mindset of endurance, encouraging teams to push through difficulties and not to fear failure.

Leadership That Inspires Action:
• Leaders embody the qualities of Hero archetypes, acting decisively and with integrity.
• Inspires employees by leading through example, showing what it means to tackle challenges head-on.
• Provides clear vision and direction, motivating staff to align their efforts with the company’s mission.

Fostering Team Solidarity and Support:
• Builds teams that support one another in their collective quest for excellence.
• Encourages mentorship and peer-to-peer coaching, reinforcing the value of shared success and unity in diversity.
• Establishes a sense of camaraderie, where each member feels like a vital part of the team’s achievements.

Emphasising Personal Growth and Self-Improvement:
• Prioritises personal development, offering opportunities for employees to enhance their skills and self-efficacy.
• Encourages employees to step out of their comfort zones and pursue personal mastery and professional development.
• Values feedback as a tool for individual and organisational growth, encouraging a two-way dialogue at all levels.

8. Business Leader

Visionary and Inspirational:
• Sets a compelling and ambitious vision for the future that serves as a rallying call for the entire organization.
• Inspires others by consistently communicating this vision and the strategic path to achieving it.
• Demonstrates a passionate commitment to the organization’s goals, which in turn inspires team members to strive for excellence.

Resilient and Determined:
• Exhibits steadfastness in the face of challenges, viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow.
• Maintains focus on long-term objectives, even when confronted with short-term obstacles.
• Encourages a culture of perseverance, showing confidence and resolve in the organisation’s ability to overcome adversity.

Empowering and Motivating:
• Empowers employees by entrusting them with significant responsibilities and the authority to make decisions.
• Fosters a motivational environment where individual and team contributions are recognized and celebrated.
• Drives individuals and teams to achieve their full potential through challenging goals and high expectations.

Action-Oriented and Decisive:
• Makes timely decisions with conviction, taking actionable steps that lead the organisation towards its goals.
• Leads by example, often being the first to act in a new initiative or to tackle a difficult problem.
• Prioritises results and efficiency, focusing on actionable metrics and outcomes to gauge success.

Ethical and Courageous:
• Upholds the highest ethical standards, acting with integrity and honesty in all business dealings.
• Shows courage in leadership, making tough decisions when necessary and standing up for what is right for the organisation and its people.
• Protects the interests of the organisation, its employees, and stakeholders, even when it requires making unpopular decisions.

9. Compatible Archetypes

10. Archetype Evolution Direction

In the third installment of our series, we step into the shoes of the Hero, the third archetype in the What group. This narrative picks up where the Everyman left off, delving into the fight against dystopian shadows.

What lies ahead? The Caregiver, the fourth in the What line-up, bringing empathy into a world focused on self.

Illustrations & Cover design: Anna Koltsova, Alexandra Gerik



Creative industry education, branding and strategic design professional with 30 years of experience in diverse industries both on agency and client sides.