How To Go From Stress to Happiness (and why most people can’t do it)

Anastasia Mudrova
5 min readMar 20, 2017


You need these 4 elements to become happy and productive. Learn why nice guys really can — and do — finish first in life.

Once upon a time, people lived by what made them happy and healthy. Things change. But still, I believe, every one of you dream of living your best life. You know balance is a myth but badly desire to have your family, health, work dancing around dance.

The thing is your choice. Your inner happiness and fulfillment will come when your mind, body, and emotions are nurtured by the choices you make. Balance is when you make time for those things that are meaningful for you. Staying in balance is an ongoing process about choices.

Workspace “Life Balance” protects your mental health against the potential negative effects of work-related stress. It helps you to develop a healthy life balance in which health, family, friends, and integrity play an important role.

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Family is a huge part of you. Be mindful of self and your nearest, while focusing on what’s meaningful in your life. You know children from their first “step” observe their elders. So, they know how to act, think, and even feel. You are the Universe for your children until the time they are standing on two feet (physically, materially, mentally). I use this list to choose one (maybe two) things that are meaningful for me and my nearest. I can’t be outside of my family. It ruins the relationships and inner connection; it ruins me. After the clear choice, I make these two things full potential. A bunch of time is devoted to focusing on them. They are meaningful in the current time period and make a big impact on the whole family, even if I do things just for myself. Do you know the rule? You can make your spouse happy only if you have happiness in your heart. Once you’ve made a choice of one or two points, ask yourself how you will feel at the end of the journey. Cross-check after time passed. Repeat.

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Despite your current or past condition, you are always free to make a choice. You can visit several behavioral therapists or learn what’s healthy. You can buy tons of healthy cookbooks or listen to your doctor for hours. In reality, it’s about whether you are ready to accept personal responsibility for your health. Be honest with yourself. Get the idea that everything counts. I’ve read several medical books, tons of semi-medical blogs and videos. Yes, information gives me a feeling of awareness, but it doesn’t give me the inner power to fuck off all the waste from my diet. Now, I’m on the way to a gluten-free diet. I feel much stronger these days. I understand one thing. There are no rules, no tricks, no excuses. I’m responsible. I don’t blame outside pressures or people. It’s not their interest or fault. Do you feel like a chocolate bar is stronger than you? Or a doughnut rules your consciousness and your body? Really? Be the boss of your healthy life. I understand it’s not about self-limitation. It’s about self-possession. I won’t say it’s easy. Practice every moment. I used the Health list to define my two pain points. I know them and I acknowledge them. Take responsibility. Heal. Repeat if needed.

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Your friends can be your nearest people of life, or you even don’t have “true” friends. Both is bullshit. You could think you need friends to get support, trust, and guidance from another human. Actually, the thing is in interaction. You are a social animal. I never had many friends. I’m sure any person can’t go deep in relationships with many people. I value true friendship. In reality, you don’t need friends, but need interaction every now and then. Well, you can have friends outside your family, or you can find a friend within your family. My friend is my boyfriend. More than that — my soulmate. Use this list to choose what way is more suitable for you. Build this part of your life. You need someone to call you an asshole when you are being one.

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Match your behavior with your values. Be real. What does living in integrity mean? It’s when everything you say and everything you do is a true reflection of what you value. Living in integrity means you are sincere and true to yourself. This reinforces your values and builds your self-esteem, as a result, leading you to greater success in all areas of your life. Health integrity is my goal now. It is not an easy path for me. In my case, physical pain points are deeply connected with mental level. If I fuck off waste from my mind, I’ll have a healthy and happy body. You have one body and will never get another one. At least in the present life. Integrity is not something you have, but something you are. What about your health or family integrity? Use this list to choose one or two spheres to start from.

Being aware of my personal life processes is the most wonderful gift I can give to myself. I enjoy the deep quality of my life. And highly recommend you try this.

He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much. Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children. Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task. Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth’s beauty or failed to express it. Who has left the world better than he found it, whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul. Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had. Whose life was an inspiration.― Bessie Anderson Stanley

The Life Balance Workspace helps you to keep your balanced status, according to your choices. It gives you a clear picture of what you are, what you do, and how you feel along your journey. helps you to stay healthy and doubles your productivity — Login or Signup Now.

(Disclaimer: I’m the Co-Founder of I use our app every day.)

