You Have to Make an Effort to Get Rid of Toxic People in Your Life

Anastasiya Mozgovaya
3 min readJul 25, 2017


a still from “Hotel Chevalier” written and directed by Wes Anderson

When you know that someone is bad for you, it is necessary to make a conscious decision and then an effort to get rid of that person. If you don`t do it, the situation will only worsen, and the longer things will stay the way they are, the more problematic they will get.

I used to wonder “why do I end up with such bad people?”. I did not mean that everyone around me was bad, but every few years I would meet a person that would soon become my friend and then reveal the real face — the one of an enemy. And I could not realize that it was my fault, because I let all of those people into my life. I had zero filter. If they wanted to be in it — I welcomed them, and if they did not — I mourned the loss of someone I did not even properly know.

With time it became clear that I had to do something with it. I had to change or I would keep on being betrayed and hurt. So, I promised myself that I would be much more careful, that I would be the one choosing my friends instead of always letting them choose me. It was a relief to have a strategy, to know what to do. Or, at least, to have an idea.

I must say that the situation with my relationships became healthier. I truly became more attentive to what kind of people I was letting stay in my life. It was an extraordinary process of discovering that the world is full of good and kind souls. All I had to do was open my eyes and become more careful.

And then…a toxic person from my past made numerous attempts to go back into my life, but I fought back and did not let it happen. A few weeks later the same situation happened with another person. At first, I was confused and unsure what to do next. I was passive and let things unravel in whatever manner they were supposed to unravel.

However, I started feeling bad very soon. As if I were sick or…full of toxins in an emotional sense. My state was complicated to understand, so I had no idea what to do about it. Everything has been going well, which is why I did not know where this state was coming from….until I knew. Of course! I knew the answer. I let that toxic person from the past occupy a tiny-tiny space in my new life, and so the toxins started filling it up. I was shocked, because I have forgotten how bad some people are and how unhealthy it is to stay in touch with them.

Luckily, I was courageous enough to fight back again and to literally get rid of that human being. Not only did I said directly that I wanted to have nothing in common, but also deleted and blocked that person from literally everywhere. I felt awkward doing it, but I also felt safe when I was done.

As I spent my day contemplating on the matter, I realized that I had to write about it. If you have ever had a toxic friend or maybe you have one now, I ask you from the depth of my heart to end that false friendship. Believe me, it might be uncomfortable and even painful at first, but you will feel so much better later. You will be able to see the results almost right away.

Take care of yourself more than you take care of anyone else, and make sure that there are no toxic people in your life. Protect your environment, protect your soul!

