Креирање SaaS заедница во МакедонијаРазмена на знаења и искусва од областа на бизнис моделот СааС во Македонија.Apr 1Apr 1
Reddit digital collectables — invisible technologyhow they’ve done it right — The collectible avatars are example of how invisible technology leads to greater acceptance.Nov 4, 2022Nov 4, 2022
Have you ever wondered how a movie gets released on Netflix?Or, how do you fully monetize every bit of your content across all forms of platforms these days? There’s a middle man that services theseOct 28, 2022Oct 28, 2022
What to take with you from Blockchain in the new yearThe general understanding of my friends when I’m explaining about Blockchain to them is like messing up their already bad made puzzle…Dec 28, 2018Dec 28, 2018
Researching the future of Low budget Airline WizzAir 🛫Story about WizzAir youth challenge competition that I took part of. Things I learned and the progress of the research.Aug 19, 2018Aug 19, 2018
А Возиме ?Можеби заборавивте но се чуствувам должен да појаснам што се случува со Возиме.мк. Најмногу оваа должност ја чуствувам спрема пријателите и…Dec 9, 2017Dec 9, 2017