Debunking Denialist Narratives Around the Xinjiang Genocide.

Alan Gould
15 min readAug 1, 2022


Every known genocide has been accompanied by denial. Genocide denialism is so bound up in the act of genocide that it is considered to be an innate part of the genocidal process. Wherever you see a genocide, there will always be genocide denialism put out by the perpetrators and by those who are misled by them or whose interests are served by denying. This is well known, it’s been studied extensively, and it’s considered one of the best-established facts in atrocity studies:

10 Stages of Genocide

By far the most extensive genocide denial on this site however, and online generally, is denial of the Xinjiang Genocide. There’s so much of it that it dominates the discourse here. It’s also the worst denialism here, the most morally reprehensible, because the atrocities being denied are ongoing. In case you are in doubt that we are looking at an active genocide in Xinjiang, here is the Genocide Emergency Alert that was issued by Genocide Watch, the world’s primary genocide watchdog and authority on genocide who are tasked with monitoring the progression of such atrocities worldwide:


Image Source: (Reuters: Murad Sezer) Genocide Watch is issuing a Genocide Emergency Alert for the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang) of China. For decades, the Chinese government has systematically restricted the religious, cultural, and social practices of Uyghurs and other Turkic minorities in Xinjiang. Xinjiang is a region located in the northwest of the People’s Republic of China. Xinjiang is home to several ethnic minorities including Turkic Uyghurs, Kazakhs, and Kyrgyzs. In recen

And some further discussion of where the determination of genocide comes from:

Yes, Xinjiang Is an Intentional Genocide

Beijing wants to end the Uyghurs as a people.

But because China is a large and powerful country, two factors have plagued discourse on this matter, making it harder to call a spade a spade. Firstly, China expends vast resources on propaganda both domestically and on the global internet to derail serious discussion about Xinjiang:

China’s Internet Trolls Go Global

Chinese trolls are beginning to pose serious threats to economic security, political stability, and personal safety worldwide.

Secondly, many people who have financial or personal interests in China, or have some kind of axe to grind against the West, choose to turn a blind eye to these atrocities and to dismiss, deflect and deny any discussion of them. We saw this kind of thing in the ’30s as well; this isn’t surprising, but we need to be aware that these kinds of morally bankrupt and contemptible individuals and groups are once again making lots of noise.

While Xinjiang denialism can be found all over the internet, some Western platforms seem more susceptible to it than others. While it can be found in fair quantities in obscure threads on Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit, I have noted particular concentrations of it on the Q&A site Quora. Quora is absolutely infested with this kind of denialism, to the point that the discourse on the Xinjiang genocide there is virtually a wall-to-wall barrage of denialist propaganda. If you don’t believe me, then simply type the words ‘Uighur genocide’ into Quora’s search bar and read the first answer that appears. I almost guarantee that it will be denialist in nature. Probably the majority of posting on that site on this topic is denialist propaganda. Shame on Quora for permitting factually incorrect denialist misinformation and propaganda to proliferate on their platform. History will judge the enablers of this genocide.

I spent a lot of time there, analysing the denialist arguments, evaluating them, and debunking them. Though this was ultimately quite a thankless hobby, I hope that some value can be extracted from these refutations.

The rest of this article will go through denialist arguments that I’ve seen, and provide the resources to refute and debunk them. Think of it as a ‘crib sheet’ for refuting denialist propaganda on Quora. Since I have now left Quora I hope this can help people who are fighting against disinformation on this topic. I’ll try to refute as many of the common claims as possible:

1: There’s no evidence for the Xinjiang genocide:

Yes there is. There are mountains of evidence. Everything from eyewitness testimony, leaked documentation, satellite imagery, footage, key logistics markers, population statistics and more corroborate the charge of genocide.

Supporting links/evidence:

MeansAndEvidences/ at main · Stop-Uyghur-Genocide/MeansAndEvidences

Means and evidences of the Uyghur genocide. Contribute to Stop-Uyghur-Genocide/MeansAndEvidences development by creating an account on GitHub.

Xinjiang Info: Links

Mass Detentions and Repression in Xinjiang: A Bibliography Bibliographies | Legal materials | Websites; document collections, and social media sites | Institutional reports, hearings, official & quasi-official statements, and documents | General information and commentary | News reports | Schola…

Tracking China’s Muslim Gulag

China stands accused of incarcerating Muslims in Xinjiang. An analysis of satellite images shows sprawling compounds are rapidly rising from the desert sands.

What is happening to Uighurs within Chinese concentration camps?

As a Muslim centrist with no affiliation nor loyalty to any government or politician, I suggest we look at this from a detailed, analytical and logical point of view. It’s not black and white, it’s a very complex issue and it’s important we look at this from all sides with zero marginalization of whe…


Xinjiang Victims Database

24746.05 1600 3200 4800 Please choose the export format (0 = Excel, 1 = PDF). eng 0

“Break Their Lineage, Break Their Roots”

The 53-page report, “‘Break Their Lineage, Break Their Roots’: China’s Crimes against Humanity Targeting Uyghurs and Other Turkic Muslims,” authored with assistance from Stanford Law School’s Human Rights & Conflict Resolution Clinic, draws on newly available information from Chinese government documents, human rights groups, the media, and scholars to assess Chinese government actions in Xinjiang within the international legal framework. The report identified a range of abuses against Turkic Muslims that amount to offenses committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against a population: mass arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances, mass surveillance, cultural and religious erasure, separation of families, forced returns to China, forced labor, and sexual violence and violations of reproductive rights.

China Cables: Who Are the Uighurs and Why Mass Detention? — ICIJ

To better explain China’s actions and the findings of the China Cables, we answer some key questions about who is involved, the crackdown’s origins, and the significance of the secret documents.

2: Well, ok, maybe there is evidence, but there isn’t footage of abuse and in an era of proliferating camera phones there should be.

There are clear prohibitions against filming and recording these things in Xinjiang. This has been explicitly noted by some of the eyewitnesses.[1] It will be extremelydifficult to get footage out of the camp network. We also lack footage from the inside of Laogai labour camps[2] or the North Korean prison camps. Does that mean that evidence for abuse in these camps is also all a hoax? That said, there is footage of the repressive measures:

Footage of Uighur prisoners being transferred to a newly built re-education camp in Korla:

China footage reveals hundreds of blindfolded and shackled prisoners

Video shows what appear to be Uighur or other minority prisoners led away by police

The verification process of this video:

4 days ago a video showing 3–400 detainees handcuffed & blindfolded at a train station in Xinjiang was uploaded to YouTube (
In this thread I’ll share how I’ve verified that this video was filmed at 库尔勒西站 (41.8202, 86.0176) on or around August 18th.

— Nathan Ruser (@Nrg8000) September 21, 2019

Footage from inside the camps:

A Jail by Any Other Name

A new exclusive Bitter Winter video documents the grim reality of the Yingye’er transformation through education camp for Muslim Uyghurs.

Uighur model sends rare video from Chinese detention

Seven months ago Merdan Ghappar disappeared in Xinjiang. Then his family started getting messages.

Footage of police abuse of a recently arrested Uighur (WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC AND DISTRESSING):

Horri‌fic Video Allegedly Shows Chinese P‌ol‌ice Rut‌hlessly Be‌ati‌ng Uyghur Muslim in Ha‌nd‌cuffs

A sickening video was recently posted to social media allegedly showing two Chinese p‌ol‌ice officers b‌eati‌ng a han‌dcu‌ffed Uyghur Muslim man. The video was posted on Twitter and Facebook by the online project Documenting Oppression Against Muslims (DOAM), which documents violence against Muslims and incidents of Islamophobia.

We need to ask ourselves what this poor man faced once he was actually inside the police station and out of sight.

3: All the evidence comes from the lying Western Media and from a few sources. Virtually all the evidence can be tracked back to one man: Adrian Zenz.

No it doesn’t. See the evidence presented above. It derives from a wide variety of sources, from academics to analysts. This claim is simply not true.

The evidence for this genocide clearly does not rest upon a narrow base of flimsy evidence, and it’s a bit rich to accuse all Western Media of lying while simultaneously making easily-refuted false claims.

4: Adrian Zenz bad. Zenz lacks credibility/is a fraud/ cooked up all the evidence because he hates China, etc.

Adrian Zenz is a well-respected academic investigating the genocide whose work is very high credibility. Ad-hominem is a fallacious argument form. The personal smears against Zenz actually demonstrate that those who try to discredit him don’t have a substantive reply to his scholarship, and haven’t found serious flaws in it. For more about Zenz and an evaluation of the claims made against him, read this:

5: There’s a witness who has inconsistencies in their story/ their claims can’t be verified/ they lied.

Memories can be very unreliable, especially of traumatic events. Therefore evaluating eyewitness claims is more complex than these apologists admit. Inconsistent stories or even outright fabrications are not uncommon among victims of atrocity and abuse. Also: if some people lie about abuse, it doesn’t mean that that abuse isn’t happening at all, or that it invalidates the whole spread of evidence, or is itself evidence that the entire genocide has been hoaxed by ‘enemies of China’. There are people who lied about being in the Holocaust and in 9/11. Does that mean that these events didn’t happen?

A good article on this question:

But some Uyghur on Twitter lied! This is Nayirah 2.0!

People are going to say stupid, bombastic BS on Twitter, because it’s Twitter. A common refrain among denialists extends this to the evidence of the Xinjiang crisis overall: if it’s so obvious, why would people need to ever lie? Before I get into the most salient historical example on fabricated testimony — the Nayirah testimony from 1990 — first, here’s a particularly indicative exchange between two Uyghur diaspora members I saw on Twitter:

On how to evaluate eyewitness testimony:

6: This is just like the Nayirah Testimony/ WMD claims!

The Nayirah testimony was a 4-minute false account of Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait throwing babies out of incubators that was hyped by the US to help justify the First Gulf War in the ‘90s.[3]Similarly, the false claims about Saddam’s stockpiling of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the lead-up to war in 2003 are mentioned by denialists who say that the same thing is going on with claims about Xinjiang.

The only problem with this claim is that it doesn’t take into account that both the Nayirah testimony and the WMD claims were based on one or two pieces of testimony and flawed reports, which were then hyped up to justify intervention. Immediately, people pointed out glaring flaws in the allegations and both stories quite quickly began to fall apart on inspection. Humanitarian groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch quickly poked holes in the claims, and got into public spats with US state officials who tried to keep that narrative alive by criticising the investigation. There was widespread questioning and dissent, especially over the WMD claims, but we saw obviously unbalanced ultimatums from the US as it scrabbled around for a casus belli. Nothing like that has happened with the Xinjiang allegations. Instead, it’s this huge and mutually inter corroborating body of evidence from diverse sources. I’ll repost the link for some of it here:

Xinjiang Info: Links

Mass Detentions and Repression in Xinjiang: A Bibliography Bibliographies | Legal materials | Websites; document collections, and social media sites | Institutional reports, hearings, official & quasi-official statements, and documents | General information and commentary | News reports | Schola…

And on the Nayirah testimony:

But some Uyghur on Twitter lied! This is Nayirah 2.0!

People are going to say stupid, bombastic BS on Twitter, because it’s Twitter. A common refrain among denialists extends this to the evidence of the Xinjiang crisis overall: if it’s so obvious, why would people need to ever lie? Before I get into the most salient historical example on fabricated testimony — the Nayirah testimony from 1990 — first, here’s a particularly indicative exchange between two Uyghur diaspora members I saw on Twitter:

So no, the Xinjiang allegations have no possibility of being a similar fabrication to the WMD claims or the Nayirah testimony. I also don’t think that the US wants a war with China in the same way that it did with Iraq. It would be far too costly and destructive to everyone. It wouldn’t serve their interests.

7: It’s counter-terrorism measures/ these policies are necessary to prevent terrorism and militant separatism in Xinjiang.

The existence of militancy in Xinjiang cannot justify collective punishment against the entire civilian population. Claiming that all the victims of the crackdown are ‘terrorists’ in the face of the overwhelming evidence that the wider population are being targeted amounts to victim-blaming and justification of genocide. It flies in the face of the evidence. Most countries manage to strike a balance between controlling terrorism and militancy and not committing genocide on their own citizens.

8: It’s all just poverty alleviation/ vocational education.

This contradicts the evidence already presented here of mass human rights violations and genocide. You don’t alleviate poverty by committing crimes against humanity and genocide.

9: What about the visits to Xinjiang by delegations from Muslim countries that failed to find anything. Muslims wouldn’t leave their fellow Muslims to suffer like that!

First of all, none of these visits were proper investigations, which should include open access and unscheduled inspections of the facilities. Xinjiang remains closed to any meaningful investigation:

U.N. rights chief regrets lack of access to Xinjiang

The United Nations’ rights chief lamented on Monday that efforts to gain access to China’s Xinjiang region to probe reports of serious violations against Muslim Uyghurs have not succeeded, adding that she was finalising a report on the situation.

Anyone who knows anything about Islamic history and politics will find that latter claim bitterly hilarious. Of course Islamic nations will screw over fellow Muslims for their own self-interest. Money talks.

If you look at the signatories to denialist motions praising China’s Xinjiang measures, it’s a who’s who of corrupt dictatorships with poor human rights records, recipients of Chinese loans, and nations with a track record of atrocity who are therefore invested in denying and covering for human rights abuses generally:

The “22 vs. 50” Diplomatic Split Between the West and China Over Xinjiang and Human Rights — Jamestown

Introduction On July 8, 2019, a group of 22 states issued a joint letter to the 41st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which condemned China’s mass detention of Uyghurs and other minorities in the Xinjiang region of northwest China. [1] In the letter, the signatories expressed their countries’ concerns about “credible reports of arbitrary detention in …

We cannot take UN declarations like these at face value. That is almost painfully naive, or otherwise deliberately obtuse. Politics and corruption trump truth-seeking in this context.

10: Where are the refugees/ there is no refugee crisis as there ought to be if there was a genocide.

First off, there are refugees. They’ve been escaping for years:

The Uighur and Syrian refugees making a home together in Turkey

United by shared hardships, a small community is building a place of support, solidarity and safety.

And China hasn’t been issuing passports to Uighurs for a long time now. Those Uighurs who have travelled to China to renew their passports have been detained:

Any exodus towards neighbouring countries on foot en masse is prevented by several factors, notably:

Intense surveillance making such a co-ordinated movement impossible:

Surveillance in China’s Xinjiang Region: Ethnic Sorting, Coercion, and Inducement

Over the last decade, the Chinese Communist Party has built an unprecedented surveillant assemblage in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) with the region’s Uyghur Muslim minority as the c…

How Mass Surveillance Works in Xinjiang, China

‘Reverse Engineering’ Police App Reveals Profiling and Monitoring Strategies

China’s Algorithms of Repression

This report presents new evidence about the surveillance state in Xinjiang, where the government has subjected 13 million Turkic Muslims to heightened repression as part of its “Strike Hard Campaign against Violent Terrorism.” Between January 2018 and February 2019, Human Rights Watch was able to reverse engineer the mobile app that officials use to connect to the Integrated Joint Operations Platform (IJOP), the Xinjiang policing program that aggregates data about people and flags those deemed potentially threatening. By examining the design of the app, which at the time was publicly available, Human Rights Watch found that Xinjiang authorities are collecting a wide array of information from ordinary people.

The geographic inaccessibility of the borders to other nations that are Xinjiang’s neighbours:

The policy of surrounding states to hand Uighur refugees right back to the Chinese:

Refworld | India to deport three asylum-seeking Uyghurs to China

Refworld is the leading source of information necessary for taking quality decisions on refugee status. Refworld contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. The information has been carefully selected and compiled from UNHCR’s global network of field offices, Governments, international, regional and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions and judicial bodies.

Uyghur minority fear deportation to China

Someone knocked on the

Kazakhstan’s Ambiguous Position towards the Uyghur Cultural Genocide in China — The Asan Forum

There is a cultural genocide ongoing in the Uyghur region of China. As I detail in a recently published book, large swaths of the Uyghur population has been […]

Together, these obstacles prevent a general exodus. That doesn’t stop a small but steady trickle of refugees from escaping, often with harrowing accounts.

11: But the US/ Canada/Australia/ Norway/ Tahiti/ Lithuania does horrible things to Muslims as well! ‘The West’ (or whoever is talking about Xinjiang) are massive hypocrites that have no business meddling in the internal affairs of another nation!

This argument is irrelevant to the question of whether China is conducting genocide in Xinjiang. It’s pure whataboutism, and a deflection from discussion of the matter at hand. As anyone with an ounce of critical thinking can see, it’s possible for both the US to be doing unethical actions against people in Muslim-majority nations and for China to be conducting a genocide against a Muslim group. It’s a classic form of the ‘tu quoque’ fallacy:

This is actually an admission of guilt, but with an added attempt to deflect from that admission by saying ‘yeah but you do it too’. There’s nothing rational about this form of argument.

That’s most of what I can think of for now. If you think of anything else, be sure to let me know in the comments! I hope this can help anyone who wishes to fight back against Xinjiang genocide denial on Quora and to debunk the spurious claims made by deniers. Don’t let misinformation about atrocities win.


[1] Xinjiang Camps Were Built as Prisons, Their Builders Expose

[2] Laogai — Wikipedia

[3] Nayirah testimony — Wikipedia

