Anatoly Volynets
Anatoly Volynets

I belong to ultimately happy-unhappy tribe of philosophers.

Why unhappy? A philosopher cannot accept things as they are. He/she needs to understand and thus has to doubt undoubtful, question unquestionable. He/she actually reinvents the entire world from scratch... Thus he/she is alone there, ultimately, logically alone. There is nothing and no one to help.

Why happy? He/she does this because cannot not do it, period. It is not a dilemma, not a hard choice. Philosopher knows he/she must do it. It is about the same with real artist. I remember a scene from the movie "Frida" when Diego Rivera tells Frida that nobody could tell her whether she was a real artist or not but herself. "If you cannot not to paint then you are an artist" said he and this is the universal formula about those who are responsible for developing humanity: philosophers, poets, music composers, etc.

Anatoly Volynets

Anatoly Volynets

A psychologist, educator, scholar, former programmer, a research fellow a participant in The School of the Dialogue of Cultures project. Lives in California.