2 min readMar 16, 2020


I hope everyone is safe and wish for your good health, the coronavirus outbreak has really gone to wild staying fit and healthy is the best option. Immunity systems need to be strong in terms to fight against it. As of now, many countries have ordered the closure of Gym and other public places the only way to maintain the right fitness is through working out at home.

Sharing with you 5 tips that will help you work out at home and even directly increase your immunity.

Tips to stay healthy

1) Exercise — Simple workouts that will be a part of our warm-up will help a lot. Use the stairs in case of elevators that will add to some physical exercise. Be sure to stay hydrated, stretch, and eat foods with a decent amount of protein after each workout. The protein will help keep your muscles, not fat, rebuilding.

2) Eat Right Food and supplements — Sugar from candy will not help you get in shape, cut down sugar from the food even lesser the consumption of carbs in your food intake and increase the level of proteins (Seafood, chicken, ham and eggs). There are many other options available online like website pharmacies that offer steroids for sale with great facilities. Regular activates and supplements intake will help together.

3) Keep Track of Calories — The food we consume needs to be counted in terms of calories. Keeping the right track of it. Ever wonder why body builders’ body masses are so big? That’s because they plan out their meals and take in more (healthy) calories than the average person.

4) Get enough sleep — A proper sleep of 7 to 8 hrs. of sleep is necessary for a healthy body. But if you happen to feel tired at any point after coming home from work, by all means, take a small nap before exercising.

Famous gym quotes by ordercypionate

5) Stay Motivated — Outbreak like these shouldn’t lower your motivation. It’s not necessary to visit the gym to be motivated.

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The world is a beautiful place to stay. #positive I love to read and write about #health topics. To know more https://www.ordercypionate.com/