Remove React-Native Font: The Easy Way

Anayo Samson Oleru
3 min readSep 18, 2020


The last article I wrote was how to Setup React-Native Font: The Easy Way.
But there will definitely be a time when you’ll need to remove the fonts you’ve added due to some reasons, perhaps nasty reasons. So let’s jump into it real quick and see how we can do that.

I already assume you have React Native knowledge already, and you have a react-native project created with the react-native cli that you want to remove the fonts you’ve.

Removing fonts is a little bit tricky compared to the process of adding fonts. it has to be done natively.

IOS it’s a two-way step:

  • Navigate to ios/{project-name}/info.plist
    And remove the font(s) in the file. Note: Not the file.
  • Open the IOS folder on your Xcode window, and click on ‘Build Phases’, then look for ‘Copy Bundle Resource’, expand and remove the font(s) you want out.

The red circle is the buttons to help you Remove or Add. And that’s pretty much it for the IOS.

Android’s a one-way step:

  • Navigate to android/app/src/main/assets/fonts
    And remove the fonts you want out. And that’ll be all.

That’s all for both IOS and Android. But IOS on Xcode might still be referencing the old commit, changes, or version. So commit your changes if you’re using version-control before resetting the bundler and running the app.

If you prefer a practical visual step, I’ll be doing a video tutorial on this on youtube and I’ll post the link here.

If you find this helpful, don’t just leave, that’ll be Selfish, if you don’t mind, here is the definition of selfish.😊

But you aren’t, so do well to leave claps and more claps.
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Grab a chair and a beer, cheers! 🍻🍻



Anayo Samson Oleru

Computer and Information Research Scientist || Software Solution Architect