Anchal Mehta
4 min readJan 28, 2024

I love wearing sarees. I use to wonder how can women not like them. And now when I learn about love, I know why some women feel it’s difficult to wrap them.

It’s love towards and for something that makes it easier, desirable or tougher.

Here you go, that’s the answer as per me.

I love wrapping sarees on me. For me it’s an extension of self expression. It is such a feminine gesture, that I can’t think of a time when I didn’t love it.

This photo is inspired by my love for them, and the color red which my mum says was my favorite color as a child. I would paint my nails ♥️ red. My kid’s favorite color is blue 💙 and that’s why I love that color more now, while a few years ago blue wasn’t on my list. I believe that’s how love is. May be.

Lately, I have been thinking about motherhood and my inner child.

I pay attention to her now. I do things she always wanted to do but could not or did not for whatever reasons.

And when I look at my own baby now, and reflect upon motherhood I feel that’s how my mum must have felt back in the years when she was raising me. As first timers, we don’t have a manual right ?

And how being a mother is much more than just that title. She is a human first. And that’s what I tell myself. That’s what I tell my own mum too. That’s what I think.

The mother and the child are a team. Both learning something from each other. It’s like we are all handed our own kinds of humans on earth from the Divine. Our own kind of equations. Our own kind of challenges and our own kind of story.

So while I earlier thought it was solely on me to keep my relationships together and thriving, my understanding now goes like “ Baby, we’ll do this together. You and I. I don’t have all the answers but we’ll find them together. We have been given each other, our own unique story and we have to live it in the happiest way possible ❤️ Let’s love each other the best and forget the rest.”

My version. Haha. Don’t we all have our own versions ? Where is the actual manual ? I don’t think there is one.

Raising your inner child and your own biological child feels similar to me. There is so much learning involved.

Being a single mother, with a long distance relationship with my son post my uncoupling required so much learning and more than regular of everything.

It required so much from everyone involved.

From both of us, me and my child.

From my ex partner. From my present partner. My parents, my siblings and my closest soul friends. Because we all had to learn a new way of living, loving and expressing ourselves. That’s family right ? So unconditional that give you space to grow 🪴.

When I am mothering my inner child and my own child,

I don’t compete with any other mother.

I do it my own way.

I have personalised it. I don’t allow fearful people to advise me. I PROTECT IT WITH A FENCE, because there is so much love inside and that needs protection.

I have learnt you have to protect your inner child and your family from the judgements and fear based beliefs of the outside world trying to make you conform.

It has now grown to be such a special and sacred space for me.

Where I can nurture and be nurtured.

That’s how I do motherhood. My own way.

With forgiveness for all involved for not knowing what we din’t know and don’t know yet.
With all my being, for what I can do. With courage and strength to be the mother I want to be.
Asking for help where I need it.
Praying for things I don’t understand.

With so much humour, fun and excitement.

And with loads of surrender.
With loads and loads of SURRENDER.

I do it as me, and not a copy of any other mother. Not even my own mum.

I mother my inner child and my son as me.

With love, gratitude, and surrender, knowing that we are playing our parts in each other’s lives just as we intended to when we decided to be each other’s mum and child.

Because who really knows, What’s the right way and what’s the wrong way? There is no manual.

Anchal Mehta

Writer | Educator | Mindset & Strategy coach who loves conversations and dressing up. Academically, an MBA with specializing in Leadership & Personal Growth.