Anchal Mehta
2 min readJul 17, 2023

Tbh, I immigrated to Instagram to escape relatives on facebook. Simply because I had to shrink myself to fit in their cliche frame of expression that din’t match my size of imagination. Am I the only one ?

But so much has changed ever since then.
I no longer escape anyone anymore.

15 years old me would be super proud of the present me for handling this with so much grace and courage.
I don’t want to pass on the cages I received to my future gen -or to anyone. They will have a free grandma. The who was not watching news channels since 1999.
Loving her spread of people. Running something of her own — on her own terms — 4 days a week.
The one who put flowers in her hair, took too many pictures, dressed as she wanted to, wrote a hell lot, lectured people double or half her age about freedom and magic, and never got high on anything except her awe for life. A mom who did what she felt was true to her spirit, regardless of the norms.

A woman who legit had invisible wings!!

Because cages are cages, regardless of how enchanting they look and who hands them to you.

I remember, how I once told my mom, that She is so kind to everyone except herself, my sister and I. I don’t want to be this kind of kind. I want to be the courageous kind of kind.
Inclusive kindness I meant. 🤍

I thought I was nuts, until I found a poem by Hafiz, that talks about women of this genre. I legit found home 🤌.

I started writing on LinkedIn when I landed in Sydney for the first time, a year back, and deleted my Instagram blog when I went back to India after that, since it felt more vanity than value over there.

A fortnight back I restarted working on my Instagram once again, with some freshly brewed ideas ☕,
because words and stories can do magic.

This is your sign to go and share your story 💛

And for you lovers of words, I am leaving that poem by Hafiz-


The small woman
Builds cages for everyone
She knows,
While the Sage,
Who has to duck her head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the

- Hafiz

Anchal Mehta

Writer | Educator | Mindset & Strategy coach who loves conversations and dressing up. Academically, an MBA with specializing in Leadership & Personal Growth.