The Cave of Altamira: Spain’s Paleolithic Masterpieces

Ancient Artefacts
6 min readSep 17, 2023
The Cave of Altamira: Spain’s Paleolithic Masterpieces

The Cave of Altamira, located near the town of Santillana del Mar in Cantabria, Spain, is a remarkable underground expanse adorned with some of the most intricate and well-preserved prehistoric paintings known to mankind.

These Paleolithic artworks, primarily showcasing bison, horses, and hand prints, offer a glimpse into the artistic abilities and the worldviews of the people who lived thousands of years ago.

Recognised for its historical and aesthetic value, the cave presents a significant representation of early human artistic endeavours and the sophisticated skills they possessed, shedding light on their cognitive development and cultural practices.

The Cave of Altamira was brought to the attention of the scientific community in 1879 by Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola, a local landowner.

He, along with his young daughter María, chanced upon the magnificent paintings while exploring the cave.

Upon sharing his discovery, the response from the academic community was far from accepting.



Ancient Artefacts

World traveler, history and sociology graduate, and lifelong anthropology and archaeology enthusiast