Ancient Nerds YouTube Strategy

6 min readMay 8, 2023


Developing a Multilayered Science Fiction YouTube Channel about Ancient Anomalies with Digital Collectibles Integration

This strategy paper outlines the key components of building and growing “ANCIENT NERDS”, a YouTube channel dedicated to exploring ancient history, mysticism, and science fiction through a multi-layered content approach. The channel will feature an anime series, educational content, a research component, and digital collectibles integration, offering a unique blend of entertainment, knowledge, and scientific exploration. By following these strategic steps, Ancient Nerds will establish itself as an engaging, informative, and authoritative platform for viewers seeking a rich and immersive experience.

Content Layers

Ancient Nerds combines a thrilling sci-fi anime series with in-depth educational content and rigorous research. Our Entertainment Layer brings Nerd-characters’ adventures to life, while the Knowledge Layer explores the discoveries they make. Underpinning it all is our Research Layer, where we investigate ancient anomalies, collaborate with experts, and engage with our community.

Each layer seamlessly interconnects, creating a dynamic ecosystem. Increased views generate revenue, fueling further research into ancient anomalies. This research, in turn, leads to the creation of more engaging and informative content across all layers.

Entertainment Layer:

Ancient Nerds will produce a sci-fi anime series where Nerd-characters explore ancient sites and go on adventures, discovering artifacts and ruins of an ancient human civilization. The environment will be created in Unreal Engine 5 to maintain consistency, and 3D models of the characters will be animated and rigged. The Nerd-characters will use tools designed by Ancient Nerds (e.g., Ancient Map) and follow the six essential questions of storytelling to create captivating content.

Knowledge Layer:

The channel will create educational content based on the artifacts and discoveries made by the anime characters in the entertainment layer. This includes deep dives on specific topics, answering specific questions, and producing shorts about ancient sites, and raw footage. Additionally, Ancient Nerds will create meditation videos to repurpose artworks, lo-fi videos with animated educational content, and documentaries about research tasks from the research layer.

Research Layer:

Ancient Nerds will conduct scientific research on ancient anomalies and pay researchers for successful research tasks. The research findings will be used to create new content for the knowledge and entertainment layers. The channel will release well-researched articles on Medium, engage with fellow researchers on Twitter, and discuss findings on the Ancient Nerds Discord server.

Types of Content

In Ancient Nerds, a diverse range of content types will be offered to cater to the varied interests and preferences of the target audience. This comprehensive content strategy ensures that viewers have a rich and immersive experience, enhancing the channel’s appeal and engagement.

Anime Series:

The sci-fi anime series will follow Nerd-characters as they explore ancient sites and go on adventures, uncovering artifacts and ruins of an ancient human civilization. The series will offer an entertaining and engaging narrative, appealing to fans of both history and science fiction.

Animated Lo-fi:

Lo-fi videos with animated educational content will offer a relaxing and visually appealing learning experience, merging the aesthetics of lo-fi music with informative content on various subjects.


Meditation videos will repurpose artworks and showcase artwork NFTs, offering viewers an opportunity to relax and unwind while appreciating the visual beauty of the ancient world and its mysteries.


Documentaries will be produced to cover research tasks from the research layer, offering a detailed account of the scientific exploration, findings, and their significance in the context of ancient history and mysticism.

Field Footage Shorts:

Unedited or minimally edited footage of ancient sites, excavations, and other relevant content will provide viewers with a genuine and unfiltered perspective of the subject matter.

Ancient Site Shorts:

Ancient Sites Shorts are concise videos that cover specific ancient sites with precise information in a short and on-point manner. These videos aim to provide viewers with essential facts and insights about various historical locations, without overwhelming them with lengthy explanations. By focusing on brevity and accuracy, Ancient Sites Shorts cater to viewers who prefer easily digestible content that can be consumed quickly.

ASQ Shorts (Answering Specific Questions):

ASQ content is designed to address specific questions related to the channel’s niche, offering viewers clear and concise answers to their inquiries. By focusing on answering these specific questions, Ancient Nerds aims to trigger the YouTube Algorithm and rank higher in YouTube search results. This approach will increase the channel’s visibility, attract more viewers, and enhance its organic growth.

Digital Collectibles

Ancient Nerds will incorporate digital collectibles into its content strategy. OG-NFT holders ( will receive revenue share and voting rights about content creation. Artwork-NFTs will be distributed to Discord members via giveaways, and artwork NFTs will be showcased during meditation videos. Both OG-Nerds and artwork NFTs will be featured in lo-fi videos, further enhancing their value and appeal.

Community Engagement

Fans of the show will be encouraged to join Discord or Twitter to get paid for conducting research tasks, fostering a strong sense of community and involvement. By actively engaging with the audience, Ancient Nerds will generate valuable feedback for continuous improvement and deepen its connection with the viewers.

Research Tasks (Ancient Nerds Whitepaper)

Channel Optimization

To improve discoverability and user experience, Ancient Nerds will use descriptive titles, tags, and thumbnails for videos and create playlists to organize content. This optimization will facilitate navigation and ensure the channel is easily accessible for new and returning viewers.

Thumbnail Example

Collaboration and Networking

Ancient Nerds will collaborate with fellow YouTubers and experts in the niche to create mutually beneficial content. These collaborations will expand the channel’s audience, bring fresh perspectives, and help establish a strong presence within the online community.

Collaboration on using White Bat Audio’s music in our videos

Continuous Improvement

Ancient Nerds will regularly review its content and audience feedback to identify areas for improvement. By adopting an iterative approach, the channel will evolve over time, ensuring the content remains relevant and engaging for its viewers.

Audiobooks we listen to

Patience and Persistence

Building a successful YouTube channel requires time and dedication. Ancient Nerds will stay committed to its vision and not be discouraged by slow initial growth. As the channel continues to create high-quality, engaging content, its audience will grow steadily.

ANCIENT NERDS YouTube Channel Growth 2023


By adhering to this comprehensive strategy and incorporating digital collectibles, Ancient Nerds aims to establish itself as a leading YouTube channel in the ancient history and science fiction niche. The channel will provide valuable and engaging content that caters to the personal growth, relaxation, and travel experience needs of its ever-growing audience. Integrating digital collectibles will not only enhance the value and appeal of the content but also foster a deeper connection with the community and create additional revenue streams for the channel.

