The Baltic Sea Anomaly

9 min readSep 4, 2022


The following article describes the basic facts about the Baltic Sea Anomaly. It serves as an overview and is intended to provide an introduction to the topic without supporting far-fetched speculation. If sources for claims are not available or require deeper investigation, this is indicated in the article.

The Discovery Of The Anomaly

During a routine treasure hunt in 2011, the Ocean-X team, which uses sonar to find sunken shipwrecks, scanned an anomaly on the seabed of the Baltic Sea.

Baltic Sea Anomaly: original sonar scan from Ocean-X [1]

A first look at the sonar data shows that there is a high probability that this is not a sunken ship from the Viking Age. A round object with a diameter of approx. 60m and straight edges was discovered.

6x AI upscaled image of the anomaly

The coordinates of the Anomaly are 61°22.6'N 18°26.9'E. [19] However, there are different reports about the exact position. The above coordinates should therefore be seen more as a guide.

Coordinates of the Baltic Sea Anomaly:

The Team

The three team members that have received the most media attention are the founders of Ocean-X Dennis Åsberg and Peter Lindberg and the deep sea diver Stefan Hogeborn. [2]

Dennis Åsberg (founder), Peter Lindberg (founder), Stefan Hogeborn (professional diver)

The mission was carried out with the explorer ship Ancylus. [18]

Ancylus: the ship used during the discovery [18]

The Dive

The Ocean-X team returned to the site in 2012. A first dive with an ROV, a remotely operated underwater vehicle was undertaken.

ROV camera image of the surface of the anomaly [1]

The figure below shows a sketch of the cross-section of the anomaly. It is about 80 to 90 meters deep and rests on a foundation.

Cross section of the anomaly (drawn by Ocean-X) [1]
Stone circle on top of the anomaly [1]
Ring on top of the anomaly [1]

The Material

The material of the Anomaly is described as blackish powder, looks burnt, melted stone, cracks in the structure, and looks like lava coming out of the cracks. [1]

Images of the material were taken from the structure during the dive. The source is a Facebook group and the images are not online anymore and cannot be proven to originate from the anomaly itself! [1]

Speculation that these are samples taken from the anomaly itself (there is no evidence this is true and the source leads to a dead Facebook link) [1]

At this point, Ancient Nerds DAO clearly distances itself from the claim that these samples originated from the anomaly, as there is no source that could prove this. However, a deeper investigation would be desirable.

Deep Dive: Confirm or dismiss if these stones are from the anomaly!

Walls And Corridors Inside

The Ocean-X team was able to penetrate parts of the Anomaly with the sonar. Rectangle “corridors” can be seen on the sonar scans.

Deep Dive: What material can sonar penetrate?

Sonar scans of the interior of the anomaly show multiple 90° corners [4]

In a video screenshot of the inside of the Anomaly, you can see a corner in one of the “corridors”.

Still frame from the ROV video, In one of the corridors, with a 90° angle [5]

Deep Dive: Where is the rest of the video?

Holes in the structure

Two holes at the top of the anomaly were discovered. One is about 25 to 30cm, the other about 2 meters in diameter. The larger opening has a square “build” around it. [1]

Top of the Anomaly with 2 holes in the hull [7]

Elements and Forms

Various elements and forms can be found at the anomaly that make a natural rock formation appear extremely unlikely.

A 10 x 30 x 1.5-meter dome on top of the anomaly [1]

What looks like a staircase is a series of steps, each with a height of 1 meter. [1]

Various elements and forms at the anomaly [1]

Deep Dive: Document all shapes and dimensions!

If you look at the picture, you see a triangle with a hole. hard to see, therefore I have a picture with a red line as well. And you can see that the plate is covered with sediment as well. and below you see burnt organic material. The picture was taken on the side of the object. [14]

Side view of the anomaly with a triangular shape [14]

The Rocks

A sample taken from the surface of the object was tested for basalt mixed with organic material at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Institute of Archeology in Tel-Aviv University (Micromorphology of Archaeological Sediments and Infrared Spectroscopy). Since there is no volcanic activity in the Baltic Sea, basalt stones are not to be expected here.

Deep Dive: Volcanic activity in the Baltic Sea or glacial movement during the Ice Age, which may have transported stones there!

Stones on top of the Anomaly [1]
Anomaly black rock sample wavenumbers [6]

A second sample was collected directly from the anomaly. The September 2013 report by the Geological Survey of Israel department from the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources states that the sample from the object itself is Aluminum-silicate rocks with very high concentrations of iron and manganese. In one sample, the sediment had a high concentration of titanium. [1]

Deep Dive: Source for the report about the sample directly from the anomaly

The Trench

A 1500-meter-long trace splitting a nearby hill terminates directly at the anomaly. [3]

A trace connecting the anomaly and a nearby hill [7]
The hill looks like it got cut in half [7]
The second anomaly can already be seen here (approx. 200 meters next to the first anomaly with its own lane) [7]

Deep Dive: What does a crash site look like? Could it be a street? Is the object larger in diameter than the aisle in the mountain? What does a typical mining mine look like? What happens when a plane crashes into a mountain? Is there a snow in the mountain afterwards?

Google images of wandering rocks in Death Valley

Deep Dive: Current responsible for the trail? Comparison: Stones in Death Valley

The Second Object

A second object is located approximately 200 meters from the anomaly. This second object also has some kind of trail. The direction is identical to the first object and almost parallel.

Sonar images showing both anomalies [7]
6x AI upscaled image of the second anomaly
Sonar scan of the second anomaly from 2014 [8]
Rectangular stone wall next to Anomaly 2 [8]
Rectangular stone wall next to Anomaly 2 [8]

Electrical Interference

As the Ocean-X team approached the anomaly in 2012, they reported malfunctioning of their instruments, non-working satellite phones, and camera dropouts. [1]

Deep Dive: What interferences occurred? Claims that a military ship sabotaged the treasure hunters’ devices are implausible, as it requires some military clearances before a military ship can attack a civilian boat. The satellite phone only worked again when the Ocean-X team moved their boat about 10 meters from the anomaly.

During the investigations in 2012 on the high seas, 6 NATO ships were in the immediate vicinity of the Ocean-X team. Dennis Åsberg reported in an interview that they had to hand over all finds and data to the Swedish military and were interviewed by high-ranking officers. [1]

Anomalous Temperature Reading

From a depth of 40+ meters, the temperature of the sea is +4°C (source!) According to Stefan Hogeborn, the temperature directly at the anomaly was -1°C. He assumes that the thermometer is showing an error. [1]


The radioactivity of the ship’s anchor, which was anchored about 2 to 3 kilometers away from the anomaly, was 6 times as high as normal (0.63 instead of 0.1 millisieverts). [9]

The radioactivity from the underwater cameras and other equipment was 0.30 millisieverts. [10]

Ancient Origin

The Baltic Sea Anomaly could be a structure built 12,000 years ago when the Baltic Sea was dry. During the last ice age, the Pleistocene from 100,000 to 12,000 years ago, the water level was at times about 120 m lower than today. The anomaly is located at approximately 80 to 90 m depth.

Younger Dryas chart showing rapid temperature increase around 12000 years ago [11, 12]
Section b) shows a sea level 120 m below present approx. 15000 years ago[17]
Global sea levels during the last Ice Age [15, 16]
Location of the anomaly when sea level is 120 meters less around 12000 years ago. Light blue is land. [13]

The same event that led to the end of the Ice Age and a rapid rise in temperature 12,000 years ago may also be the cause of the burned rocks on the outside of the anomaly.

Conclusion and Speculation

As romantic as an extraterrestrial vehicle crash site may sound, the information we’ve gathered leads us to conclude that it probably isn’t. A flying object has a higher probability of having a lower density than a mountain. It is unlikely that such an object would split a mountain in two. Here the materials of the anomaly and the mountain must be examined carefully. If one assumes that the object fell from above, the aisle in the mountain should also look different. In-depth investigations and comparisons to meteorite impacts or firearm investigations must be made here.

It looks more like the mountain has been bisected from the ground. For what purpose remains unclear. A mining area is possible but not proven.
However, what the data shows is that this object is not of natural origin and is likely older than the last ice age of 12,000 years ago. Hard parallel edges and cavities give a low probability of a natural formation occurring. The surface burn marks and evidence of extreme heat exposure suggest exposure to a possible cataclysmic event that may have coincided with the melting of the Young Dryas glaciers and contributed to the flooding of the site.

The Ocean-X team is still doing excellent work today to get closer to the clarification of this anomaly step by step. We have made it our mission to ensure that the Ancient Nerds DAO can make financial and intellectual contributions to research into anomalies like this one in the Baltic Sea in the future!

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[18] 97328588-Ancylus-Ocean-X-Team.pdf

More Sources

The Baltic Sea Anomaly 2017. The New ROV video Footage. Video No 2:

Full Documentary:

Baltic Sea Anomaly Mistery Unsolved part1–2:

