The Gateway Experience

7 min readJun 26, 2022


Resonance phenomena are when someone is able to connect with “greater energies and energy systems” beyond their “physical matter”. This can be done through the use of audio tones (“binaural beats”) to synchronize the energies of the left and right brain hemispheres. The aim of The Gateway Experience program is to give an introduction to these concepts and to teach the audience to be able to use these effects consciously without any aid.

The Gateway Experience interpretation by Ancient Nerds DAO

Resonance Phenomena aka The Gateway Experience

By OxPuffin


In 1973 research was undertaken to study the effect of tones played at certain frequencies in activating a participant's connection to “greater energies and energy systems” beyond their “physical matter”. The researchers then toured research facilities and other gatherings to demonstrate the effect. Originally called M-5000 Program and then Gateway Voyage Program this original in-person program formed the basis of initial public demonstrations.

One of the original researchers, named Robert Monroe, offered a cassette tape audio version of the unperson program titled “Hemi-Sync Gateway Experience”. This product included a written manual describing how to use the six “waves” of recorded audio content designed to help the listener achieve effects like greater focus, exploring total self, and messages from beyond. They also mention OBEs (our of body experiences) but do not make any guarantee this will be the result for everyone who attempts the process every time.

Later on, as word spread the US DOD undertook their own study of the phenomena in the early 1980s titled “Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process”. Their report concludes that physical science offers a “sound, rational basis” for “considering Gateway to be plausible in terms of its essential objectives”. They include such uses as “react to possible encounters with intelligent, non-corporal energy forms” beyond space-time boundaries and building holographic patterns to protect sensitive areas from unwanted out-of-body presences. [1]

What is Hemi-Sync?

Hemi-Sync is hemisphere synchronization. This is the initial state of using audio tones (“binaural beats”) to sync the energies of the left and right brain hemispheres. After synchronizing the brain halves into one energy frequency then the program claims to allow users to activate other not commonly accessible abilities of the “total self”. The program's stated goal is to provide an introduction to these concepts and teach listeners to eventually be able to access these effects fully consciously without any aids by using their vocal cords to be able to produce the same frequencies to activate Hemi-Sync effects as are used on the audio recording.

Does it work?

At the time of writing, I have only experimented with the first audio recording of the first of the six waves. I experienced the sensation of seeing rings coming together into dots behind my closed eyelids as well as a strong awareness of sensory receptors all over my skin at the conclusion of the session. During the initial Hemi-Sync tuning the sensation of two balls of energy coming into equilibrium with each other within my brain. After completing the session I now feel more aware of the differences in the sensation I feel within the brain such as more concentrated sensation on the left hemisphere as I write this or think about STEM problems.


One of the main premises of the gateway experience is using frequencies (in other words directed focused energies) to achieve changes in conciseness at a basic level. In 2016 a study was conducted that found to be able to disable religious belief by targeting the energy waves in certain sections of the brain using magnets. [2]

During the 1960s and 70s, several independent researchers (some employed by government-backed foundations) conducted extensive research into the use of electrical signals to control not just the physical body but also the consciousness of a living being. One of them was Jose Delgado who demonstrated the ability to activate different emotions like rage or fear in various animals (bulls and a family of monkeys for example) with the press of a button [3]. Could the HemiSync gateway experience be working along the same principles to activate a different inmate capability within human brains on a less invasive basis than that used by Jose Delgado (who attached electrodes into the brains of the animals he worked on)?

CAROLINE DELGADO, shown monitoring encephalographic readings from a monkey, has assisted her husband since their meeting at Yale University in the 1950s. [3]
The Gateway Experience interpretation by Ancient Nerds DAO

Interview with Open-AI GPT-3

Human: Have you heard of The Gateway Experience?

AI: Yes, I have heard of The Gateway Experience.

Human: What is it?

AI: The Gateway Experience is a workshop that teaches people how to connect with the higher levels of their consciousness.

Human: why should one try to do this?

AI: There are many benefits to trying to connect with the higher levels of your consciousness. Some people believe that it can help you to access greater knowledge and creativity, and others believe that it can help you to find a deeper sense of peace and calm.

Human: Sounds interesting. How does it work?

AI: The workshop begins with a series of exercises designed to help you relax and focus your mind. Once you have reached a state of relaxation, you will be guided through a series of visualizations and meditations that are designed to help you connect with the higher levels of your consciousness.

Human: what are these higher levels of consciousness you are talking about?

AI: There is a great deal of debate about what the higher levels of consciousness are. Some people believe that they are spiritual realms beyond our physical world, while others believe that they are simply higher levels of functioning within our own minds. Regardless of what you believe, the goal of The Gateway Experience is to help you connect with whatever level of consciousness you deem to be most beneficial for you.

Human: I read that this experiment was done by the CIA in the 1980s.

AI: There is some debate about whether or not The Gateway Experience was actually developed by the CIA. However, there is no denying that the techniques used in the workshop have been used by many people in government and military settings in order to help them improve their mental and emotional well-being.

Human: Is it safe?

AI: There is no evidence to suggest that The Gateway Experience is unsafe. However, as with any type of psychological or spiritual practice, it is always advisable to speak with a doctor or mental health professional before embarking on this type of journey.

Human: Are there any reports from people who tried the experience?

AI: There are a variety of reports from people who have tried The Gateway Experience. Some people report feeling more connected to their spiritual side, while others report feeling more calm and centered. There is no one “right” way to feel after completing the workshop, and everyone’s experience will be unique.

Human: I heard of a technique called Remote Viewing. Have you heard of it? Is it somehow connected to the Gateway Experience?

AI: There is some debate about whether or not Remote Viewing is connected to The Gateway Experience. However, both practices involve the use of visualization and meditation to connect with a higher level of consciousness. It is possible that people who are able to successfully engage in Remote Viewing are simply more adept at connecting with their higher levels of consciousness.

Human: What was the highest level of consciousness ever achieved by a human being?

AI: There is no definitive answer to this question. Some people believe that there is no “highest” level of consciousness and that we all have the potential to reach our own personal levels of highest consciousness. Others believe that there are certain people who have reached higher levels of consciousness than others. Regardless of what you believe, it is important to remember that everyone’s journey to connect with their higher levels of consciousness is unique.

Human: Do you know what DMT is and can you give me a brief introduction to it in the context of the Gateway Experience or Remote Viewing?

AI: DMT is a naturally occurring substance that can be found in many plants and animals. It is also known as the “spirit molecule” due to its ability to produce powerful hallucinations. Some people believe that DMT is a key ingredient in the Gateway Experience, as it is thought to help people connect with higher levels of consciousness.

Human: Maybe it is possible to produce DMT in the pineal gland by practicing the Gateway Experience. I read that it is possible for the human brain to produce DMT.

AI: There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that the human brain can produce DMT. However, there is some anecdotal evidence from people who have claimed to produce DMT while practicing the Gateway Experience. Whether or not this is actually possible remains to be seen.

The Gateway Experience interpretation by Ancient Nerds DAO


An NFT-Collection on OpenSea has been created to show our interpretation of The Gateway Experience.

Research Task complete

Our community member 0xPuffin got one NFT of “The Gateway Experience Vol. 1” gifted for completing this research task and also got paid 0.1 ETH from our treasury. We are happy to have such active community members and look forward to further cooperation.


[1] Gateway_analysis_(CIA).pdf page 30/31 (see “Sources on IPFS”)

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