12 Spiritual Laws Hidden from You…

Truths You Need to Know

Ancient SAGES
5 min readSep 13, 2023
Image created by the Author — MidJourney

There is a set of unchanging and universal laws that the universe follows, and these laws direct our lives in the direction of greater wisdom and fulfillment.

These are not laws created by humans that are constrained by time or geography; rather, they are laws of the cosmos that shape our history, our present, and our future.

When we investigate these laws, we discover not just information but also transformation, not just knowledge but also insight.

(1) The Law of Divine Oneness

The concept of divine oneness refers to the fact that all people are interconnected and form a component of an infinitely powerful divine force. Every deed, thought, and word sends a signal that travels throughout the universe and has an effect on everything.

Because we are aware of this law, we comprehend that acts of love, kindness, and compassion are the only logical responses to any and all interactions. The Golden Rule can be summed up as follows: Treat others in the same manner in which you would like to be treated.

(2) The Law of Vibration

Everything in this universe functions at its own unique frequency, or has its own unique vibration. Everything, from the most massive galaxies to the tiniest particles, is subject to vibration.

To bring one’s desires into physical form, it is necessary to match one’s vibration to that of the thing desired. When we understand this Law, it shifts our perspective on who we are and where we belong in the world.

(3) The Law of Correspondence

According to the Law of Correspondence, our internal states of mind and the thoughts that we have have a direct impact on our external environment.

It declares, “As within, so without,” which is quite profound. The knowledge that we are the creators of our own reality is given to us as an empowerment by this law.

(4) The Law of Attraction

According to the Law of Attraction, similar things attract one another. Whatever it is that we give our attention to, more of it will appear in our lives.

This law teaches us that having faith is necessary in order to attract the things that we desire. It is necessary for us to bring our thoughts and feelings into harmony with the things that we want.

(5) The Law of Inspired Action

Even though visualizing and aligning ourselves with our goals is essential, according to the Law of Inspired Action, nothing will change until we take inspired action in the direction of our goals with joy and enthusiasm. It is the link that connects our thoughts with the world around us.

(6) The Law of Transmutation of Energy

This law highlights the fact that everything is made up of energy, and the only thing that energy can do is change forms. Something comes into existence as a direct result of our mental and emotional processes. It is up to us to choose positive ways of thinking and feeling so that we can bring about favorable outcomes.

(7) The Law of Cause and Effect

This principle, which is also referred to as the law of karma, states that we get exactly what we put out into the world. There is a purpose behind everything that takes place, and we always end up getting what we deserve. Having an understanding of this law gives us the ability to change the causes that we set in motion.

(8) The Law of Compensation

According to the Law of Compensation, we will be rewarded in a manner that is directly proportional to the value that we bestow upon other people. It extends beyond the material world and incorporates concepts such as love, kindness, joy, and peace.

(9) The Law of Relativity

This law teaches us that nothing in and of itself is either good or bad; rather, we are the ones who decide what things are. It encourages us to look at the things that have happened to us from a broader perspective and to avoid labeling everything that is around us.

(10) The Law of Polarity

According to the Principle of Polarity, every single thing has an opposite. It demonstrates to us that even in the most difficult periods of our lives, there is always the possibility of finding the light again. There are opportunities waiting to be cultivated within our most difficult challenges.

(11) The Law of Rhythm

The concept that everything in the universe follows a certain rhythm or cycle is taught to us by the “Law of Rhythm.” Having an understanding of this law enables us to steer clear of chaos by exercising patience and allowing things to develop in their own natural way and at their own pace.

(12) The Law of Gender

The Law of Gender places an emphasis on maintaining a healthy equilibrium between the masculine and feminine energies that exist both within ourselves and throughout the universe. It’s about accepting every facet of who we are so that we can grow into whole people.

To sum everything up, These timeless principles are the universal laws that the most enlightened people on the planet have always instinctively understood and guided their lives by.

If we bring ourselves in accordance with these laws, we will be able to flow with the energy of the universe, which will make our lives more satisfying and harmonious.

When we gain an understanding of these laws and put that knowledge into practice in our everyday lives, we can experience profound personal transformation. They lead us to greater understanding, fulfillment, and congruence with the natural order of the universe as we follow in their footsteps.

These universal laws serve as a sacred blueprint, a secret code that underlies everything that is, and ever will be, in existence. In a world that is often driven by chaos and confusion, they are especially important.

We can shed light on our current circumstances, influence our future, and get started on the path that will lead to a life that is more enlightened and fulfilling if we accept them.



Ancient SAGES

Exploring Advaita Vedanta - Unveiling the timeless wisdom of oneness and self-realization. 🕉️