The Man with an Empty Face: A Shiva Story

(The story of the Son and his Mother)

Ancient SAGES
3 min readMay 8, 2024
Image created by the Author — MidJourney

About 250 to 300 years ago in the southern regions of Karnataka, India, there was a deeply devoted son and his aging mother. The mother, nearing the end of her life, expressed her sole desire: to pass away in the sacred city of Kashi, in the lap of Vishwanath, or Lord Shiva. This city, renowned for its spiritual significance in Hinduism, was believed to offer liberation and peace to those who leave their earthly body there.

Moved by his mother’s lifelong dedication and this singular request, the son embarked on a strenuous and devout journey on foot to Kashi. The trek was arduous, navigating through dense jungles over a great distance. His mother, frail due to age, fell ill during the journey. In a testament to his devotion, the son shouldered her, carrying her through the difficult terrain. Driven by sheer will and his ceaseless chanting of “Shiva, Shiva,” he implored for strength and perseverance to fulfill his mother’s wish.

Their journey took an unexpected turn when they heard the sound of a bell, signaling the approach of a bullock cart through the mist. The son saw a single bull pulling the cart, an uncommon sight for long journeys in that region. Exhausted and desperate, he requested the cloaked driver for assistance. The driver silently agreed, allowing…



Ancient SAGES

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