The Mystery of Astral Dimension & Physical Dimension as a SCHOOL!

Ancient SAGES
7 min readJul 9, 2024

The quest for understanding the deeper principles governing our existence has been a central theme across various disciplines, from philosophy to science, and spirituality. This exploration begins with recognizing that the apparent chaos in the world is an illusion, masking the underlying universal laws that bring order and harmony.

By aligning with these natural laws, we can transform our lives from chaos to clarity and purpose. Furthermore, the role of personal integrity and ethical behavior is paramount in fostering a thriving civilization. It is through the rekindling of a sense of interconnectedness and responsibility that we can achieve collective well-being. Additionally, the journey of purification and self-mastery is essential for aligning with universal laws and divine principles.

Ancient practices and codes of conduct, such as those found in Hammurabi’s Code, guide us towards societal harmony and personal growth, ultimately leading to a deeper connection with the divine. This comprehensive exploration aims to illuminate the interconnected pathways to a harmonious existence, emphasizing the importance of understanding universal laws, fostering personal and collective integrity, and pursuing purification and self-mastery.

The Order in Chaos: Understanding the



Ancient SAGES

Exploring Advaita Vedanta - Unveiling the timeless wisdom of oneness and self-realization. 🕉️