The Beauty of Not Being Chosen
“Not being chosen was the best thing that ever happened to me.” — Ryan Holiday
You may think I’m joking. Or Ryan Holiday was joking.
When we are not chosen, we only see the darkness, the negativity, we don’t see anything beautiful from that. It’s true, it is the first thing we would see because that’s how our mind reacts when hopes are shattered, things don’t go as we expected. But let me explain, there is a beauty in not being chosen.
We all have experienced the heart-sinking moment of hearing, “sorry, you are not the one” or “sorry, we’re going with someone else”. Sometimes, the chorus of “sorry, not you” becomes so frequent that we lose count.
But what if I told you that not getting chosen might actually be the universe’s subtle way of giving us a leg up? It might sound odd, but hear me out.
Rejection is like an uninvited party guest — it shows up unexpectedly, disrupting our fun. Whether it’s missing out on a job opportunity, being friend-zoned, or realizing you’re the only one not invited to Friday night out, the sting is real. However, this sting, unwelcome as it is, can be exactly what we need.