Why You Need To Get A Keg Of Beer For Your Next Party

2 min readJan 3, 2023


Drinks are crucial for any party. Whether you’re throwing a birthday bash, a big corporate event or an intimate wedding reception, having a bar available for your guests is essential.

However, a common problem when you’re organising a mobile bar service is deciding if you need to bulk order individual bottles and cans of drinks or get beer kegs.

Individual drinks may seem like a great, traditional way of serving alcohol, but there are plenty of reasons why kegs are much better for events. Here’s why you should invest in kegs instead:

1. They keep your drinks fresh

In Melbourne, we take our beer seriously. Just like we have coffee connoisseurs and bespoke fashion, when it comes to our beer, we also put importance in its quality. A beer keg’s barrel shape is able to keep its contents as fresh as possible. You can taste the difference between a bottled beer and one from a keg due to the difference in the crispness of the drink.

2. You’ll be able to clean up in no time

When you’re busy having fun with your guests, cleaning up may be the last thing on your mind. However, the messy aftermath of an event is inevitable. Make yours or your mobile bar service’s job easier with beer kegs. You’ll be glad you won’t have to clean up after empty bottles.

3. Beer kegs are easy to transport

Whether your party is in your backyard or at a special location, getting all your food and drinks to the destination is always a strenuous task. When you’re transporting slabs of beer you have to worry about the way you stack and maintain the cold drinks in its carton. Beer kegs are built to get mass litres from A to B with ease.

4. They’re better for the environment

Consumer goods packaging is major problem for the environment. While glass bottles and cans are recyclable the cardboard cartons they come in as well as the sticker labels all add up in the end when you’re trying to keep a big group of people entertained. Beer kegs come in a variety of large sizes that can easily replace the need for multiple 24 cans or bottles.

If you’re hosting and organising drinks for a party or have hired a professional mobile bar in Melbourne, make sure they’ve got the facilities to serve your favourite beer through kegs.

Resource URL:https://andalebeerdispensingequipment.wordpress.com/2018/05/08/why-you-need-to-get-a-keg-of-beer-for-your-next-party/




Andale Manufacturing & Supplying wide range of Beer Dispensing System, Home Brew Kegs of Beer, Beer Kegs, Beer Tap, Beer Coolers & Kegerator in Melbourne.