Conquering the inner critic: my journey through college imposter syndrome.

3 min readOct 7, 2023


Have you ever felt like an imposter in your college life? If so, you are not alone. In this article, I will share my personal experience on how I conquered imposter syndrome during my time in college. As a developmental student, I found myself constantly questioning my abilities and believing that I did not belong in that academic environment. I discovered effective strategies to overcome these feelings of self-doubt and become a confident and successful student.

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Why do I always feel so insecure?

This was the question I kept asking myself during my first years of college. Despite dedicating long hours to studying, I always felt like I wasn’t up to par. The pressure of a competitive work environment made me feel that I had to be perfect, and that led me to isolate myself from my peers and overwork myself.

If you identify with this situation, it is important to know that you are not alone. Imposter syndrome is a real problem that affects millions of people around the world. It is a feeling of incompetence and insecurity that can sabotage our success.

“I feel like I’m faking it. Like I’m not really smart or capable. Like everything I’ve accomplished is a fluke.”

The best advice a teacher ever gave me:

When I faced a difficult time in my career, I felt lost and disoriented. I didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. That’s when I decided to talk to my trusted professor.

He listened to me and gave me advice that marked me for life:

“you have to believe that you are that successful person you so badly want to be, the fact that you think you are not enough is a state of mind. Focus on your own strengths and what you can contribute. You are that help that so many are looking for.”

At first, my teacher’s advice seemed obvious to me. But after reflecting on it, I realized she was right.

The limits we set for ourselves are not real. They are an illusion created by our mind.

If we believe in ourselves, we are capable of achieving anything.

If we change the focus of our thinking, we can become confident people capable of helping others.

Don’t be ashamed to ask for help. We all have our weaknesses. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that we need help to overcome them. If you feel lost or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to ask for help from someone who knows more than you do. You are not alone.

Impostor syndrome is a feeling of inadequacy that is often accompanied by a strong need to be recognized as “very smart”. It is so prevalent that it is considered a disorder. You may experience impostor syndrome when you feel that you don’t deserve praise or success and that someone is about to discover the truth about your abilities. It can occur when you have done well in a presentation or scored high on an exam. It can also occur after a great performance, when you suddenly feel you don’t deserve the accolades. Imposter syndrome can make us feel like we don’t belong in the field we are in and can prevent us from doing our best work. If you recognize these signs in yourself, it’s time to take imposter syndrome seriously and take action. To overcome it, you first have to recognize that you suffer from imposter syndrome and begin to recognize your triggers. Then you can work to break the patterns that prevent you from successfully playing your role.




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