
Andrea Mengoli
2 min readSep 18, 2021


🇮🇹 Italian version here.

The first episode of a TV show is generally nemed Pilot. Usually it’s disconnected with the plot, and often is used only to show characters and environments. Well, this is my pilot.

If I think of a pilot I think of Valentino Rossi

Who am I?

Most likely if you are on this article, you already know me but I want to make a brief introduction about me anyway.
My name is Andrea Mengoli, I’m from Bologna and I have three passions:

  • Computer science
  • Beach tennis
  • Motorbike (maybe it was intuitive)

In my articles I’ll talk about first one, becuse I have always built my professional figure in the world of IT, and I have been working in the mobile application industry for over 4 years.

Why did I decided to write?

One of the many characteristics of the IT world that immediatly won me over is that you never stop learning or experiencing new things. Daily I find myself facing interesting challenges in the workplace (sometimes also in my free time) finding the best solution possible. So, I want to start to share these ideas with a bigger stage of engineers or people that love this topic in order to get more insights and maybe to give help to people with same problems.


I’ve thought of writing each article both in English to involve as much stage as possible, and Italian to divulge topics not super easy to find in my mother tongue.
I’ll try to be very much coincise in order to write articles quick to consult and rich in the content that really matters.

Thank you for taking a few minutes, see you soon with the first article!

Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

