What being top 10 at Product Hunt meant for us

Anders Ekman
3 min readMay 29, 2015

Over a year ago me and two friends quit our jobs and started building an app called Raft. 2 days ago (27 May), after months of testing in Sweden, we made Raft available in the rest of the world. The same day we were featured on Product Hunt, where we managed to fight our way up to #8 and about 190 up votes.

So if you’re interested in numbers and in Product Hunt, here’s what being #8 converts to.


Apparently Product Hunt drives web traffic. Sessions were up 5 000% from one Wednesday to the next (from 36 to 1820).

App Store

We’re an iPhone app, so we measure App Store visits. And they went up from 14 visits on the 20th, to 267 on the 27th of May. (And keep in mind that our app was only available in Sweden before the 27th, AND that this is only iOS8 users).


We got 218 downloads on the 27th (according to App Annie). Of which 167 were using iOS8, meaning that 63% of the visits in App Store converted to a install.

Created account

218 downloads turned into 135 registered accounts. 62% of the people that downloaded created an account. So that’s too low, and a lot lower than we’ve seen before.

We’re using Facebook login because it makes it easy to add your partner and friends in Raft, but maybe too many are feeling reluctant to signing in to Raft with Facebook. Even though we’re not posting anything to the users wall etc. We’ll look into that.

Created an event

I haven’t told you much about what our app does yet, but it’s a new kind of calendar. So one metric we’re tracking is the number of created events. And of the 135 new users, 67 created one or more event. In total 167 events were created by users that joined Raft on the 27th.

My conclusion: 190 up votes = 135 users

Product Hunt is a good way of getting the word out. We got a lot of traffic, and a lot of users from all over the world.

On the downside a lot of the users from Product Hunt seem to log in and click around just to see what Raft is about, but don’t create any content. They also seem to be more sensitive to logging in with Facebook, than other users. (And we’ll probably not see them for a while again).

If you have any other conclusions or questions, please comment.

So what is Raft?

Raft is a new kind of calendar. A calendar that makes it really easy to share events with your friends and family. It has a chat, a feed, and you can upload pictures. It’s pretty awesome. You should try it. Raft might make you spend more time with your friends and loved ones ☺

Download Raft? Click here.

Bonus 1

We’ve gotten users from all continents and 38 countries since launching. That’s really nice! Hi Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Laurent, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, The UK, Ukraine, USA and Vietnam! We love you!

Bonus 2

A film we’ve made.

