Accelerating Financial Calculations with AVX-512 in C# .NET 8

Anderson Godoy
4 min readSep 25, 2024


In the financial world, the need to process large datasets and perform complex calculations with precision is constant. If you’ve ever worked on portfolio simulations, risk calculations, or cash flow projections, you know how time-consuming these calculations can be. With the introduction of AVX-512 and support in C# .NET 8, we can now optimize these calculations and fully leverage the power of modern processors.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use AVX-512 instructions in C# .NET 8 to accelerate financial calculations, such as investment return projections and other common mathematical operations.

What is AVX-512?

AVX-512 (Advanced Vector Extensions 512) is a set of instructions that allows the processor to operate on vectors up to 512 bits wide. This means it can process several data points simultaneously, which is particularly useful in financial scenarios where many repetitive operations are performed on large datasets.

Advantages of AVX-512 for financial calculations:

  • Performance: Processes multiple numbers at once, leading to significant speed improvements.
  • Precision: Handles 64-bit floating-point numbers with high accuracy, essential for complex financial calculations.
  • Energy efficiency: Fewer CPU cycles result in lower energy consumption, crucial for high-performance systems.

Now, let’s dive into some practical examples.

Example 1: Compound Interest Calculation Using AVX-512

We’ll start with a common example in finance: compound interest calculation. Imagine you have multiple investments with different interest rates, and you want to calculate the future value of these investments over several years. Using AVX-512, we can process multiple investments at the same time.

using System;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics;
using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86;

class Program
static void Main()
if (Avx512F.IsSupported)
// Initial financial values (e.g., investments)
double[] initialValues = new double[8] { 1000.0, 1500.0, 2000.0, 2500.0, 3000.0, 3500.0, 4000.0, 4500.0 };

// Annual compound interest rates (e.g., 5% per year)
double[] interestRates = new double[8] { 1.05, 1.04, 1.06, 1.03, 1.05, 1.07, 1.06, 1.04 };

// Time period in years
int years = 10;

// Final result
double[] finalValues = new double[8];

// Load vectors into 512-bit SIMD vectors
var investments = Avx512F.LoadVector512(initialValues);
var rates = Avx512F.LoadVector512(interestRates);

// Raise the rate to the power of the number of years (rate ^ years)
var compoundedRate = PowAvx512(rates, years);

// Calculate the future value for each initial investment (initialValue * compoundedRate)
var futureValues = Avx512F.Multiply(investments, compoundedRate);

// Store the result
Avx512F.Store(finalValues, futureValues);

// Display the result
Console.WriteLine("Future values of investments after " + years + " years:");
foreach (var val in finalValues)
Console.WriteLine("AVX-512 is not supported on this system.");

// Helper function to raise a vector to a power
static Vector512<double> PowAvx512(Vector512<double> vector, int exponent)
var result = vector;
for (int i = 1; i < exponent; i++)
result = Avx512F.Multiply(result, vector);
return result;

Code Explanation:

  • AVX-512 support check: We check if the processor supports AVX-512 using Avx512F.IsSupported.
  • Loading vectors: The initial investment values and interest rates are loaded into 512-bit SIMD vectors.
  • Compound interest calculation: We multiply the initial values by the growth factors, applying the compound interest formula.
  • Result: The final value of each investment is stored and displayed on the console.


This code simultaneously processes 8 investments, performing the calculations in parallel, which accelerates execution. For large datasets, this approach can yield substantial performance improvements.

Example 2: Optimization with Exponentiation by Squaring

While the previous example is efficient, we can improve the performance of the exponentiation function. The Exponentiation by Squaring technique reduces the number of multiplications needed when raising a number to a power.

Optimized Code:

static Vector512<double> PowAvx512Optimized(Vector512<double> baseVector, int exponent)
var result = Vector512<double>.One;

var currentPower = baseVector;

while (exponent > 0)
if ((exponent & 1) == 1) // If the exponent is odd
result = Avx512F.Multiply(result, currentPower);
currentPower = Avx512F.Multiply(currentPower, currentPower); // Square the base
exponent >>= 1; // Divide the exponent by 2

return result;

This function reduces the number of operations needed to raise the interest rate to the number of years, resulting in faster calculations.

Example 3: Summing Investment Returns

In financial calculations, such as portfolio analysis, we often need to calculate the sum of returns from multiple assets. Using AVX-512, we can sum entire vectors of returns very efficiently.

Vector Sum Code:

static double SumVector512(Vector512<double> vector)
// Perform vector sum of the 8 elements
var half = Avx512F.Add(vector.GetLower(), vector.GetUpper()); // Sum lower and upper 256 bits
var shuffled = Avx512F.Shuffle(half, 0x4E); // Rearrange elements for the next addition
var result = Avx512F.Add(half, shuffled);

return result.ToScalar();

With this function, you can sum the return values of a portfolio of investments extremely quickly, leveraging the parallelism of AVX-512 instructions.

Final Considerations

Using AVX-512 for financial calculations brings significant performance gains, especially when dealing with large datasets. With C# .NET 8, we can take advantage of these advanced instructions to optimize common mathematical operations in the financial world, such as compound interest, summation, and exponentiation.

If you work with financial simulations, portfolio optimizations, or risk calculations, incorporating AVX-512 into your project can be a competitive advantage.

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