Part 3: 15 Advanced Techniques to Supercharge Your C# Code

For developers looking to get the most out of their C# applications, every detail of optimization can make a significant difference. In this third and final part, we will explore 15 advanced techniques that cover everything from dynamic code generation to serialization optimization and event handling. These strategies are especially useful in critical scenarios where extreme performance is necessary, such as high-frequency financial systems or real-time gaming.

Anderson Godoy
5 min readSep 2, 2024


1. Dynamic Code Generation

Generate code at runtime using Reflection.Emit or ILGenerator for specific cases, optimizing performance.

Example: In an application that needs to create and compile functions in real-time, such as a dynamic rules engine, Reflection.Emit can generate highly optimized code.

Suggestion: Dynamic code generation can increase system complexity. Use it in scenarios where the performance gain justifies the maintenance difficulty.

2. Tail Recursion Optimization

Refactor functions to allow for tail call optimizations, saving stack frames, and improving efficiency.

Example: A recursive function to calculate factorials can be rewritten to be tail-recursive, eliminating the need to maintain the state of each call on the stack.

Suggestion: Test the behavior after applying tail call optimizations, as the logic of the recursion must remain intact.

3. Custom Task Schedulers

Implement custom TaskScheduler to optimize task execution in specific scenarios.

Example: In a high-performance application that needs to prioritize certain types of tasks, a custom TaskScheduler can ensure that critical tasks are executed with higher priority.

Suggestion: Use custom TaskSchedulers carefully, as they can introduce complexity in managing threads and tasks.

4. Interlocked Operations

Replace conventional locks with atomic operations using Interlocked for greater efficiency.

Example: In a global counter accessed by multiple threads, using Interlocked.Increment can significantly improve performance compared to using lock.

Suggestion: Interlocked operations are limited to simple data types. Assess if simplification is possible before replacing a more complex lock.

5. Sliding vs. Absolute Expiration

Properly configure cache expiration types to optimize resource usage.

Example: Use sliding expiration to keep data in the cache as long as it is actively being used, but remove it when it has not been accessed for a defined period.

Suggestion: Choose the expiration type based on the data usage pattern, ensuring the cache is efficient and that performance is not impacted by stale data.

6. Bitwise Flags

Use enum with the Flags attribute and bitwise operations to efficiently represent combinations of values.

Example: In a permissions system, a bitwise flag enumeration can represent different combinations of permissions compactly and efficiently.

Suggestion: Bitwise flags are powerful but can be difficult to read and maintain. Use them when compaction and performance are more important than clarity.

7. Expression Trees for Dynamic Invocation

Optimize the dynamic invocation of methods using expression trees, approaching the performance of direct calls.

Example: In an expression evaluation system, use expression trees to compile expressions so they can be executed with performance close to compiled code.

Suggestion: Expression Trees are more efficient than reflection but more complex. Assess if the performance gain justifies the additional effort.

8. Task Batching

Group small tasks into batches to reduce the overhead of creating and executing multiple tasks.

Example: In a message processing system, batch several small messages into a single batch to process them all at once, reducing task management overhead.

Suggestion: Batching is most effective in high-frequency, small-task scenarios. Ensure that batching tasks do not introduce undesirable latency.

9. Optimized Serialization

Use binary or compact serialization to improve performance compared to XML or JSON, especially in systems that require high performance.

Example: In an application that transfers large volumes of data between services, using Protocol Buffers instead of JSON can reduce serialization time and data size.

Suggestion: Ensure that the chosen serialization format is suitable for your scenario and that the performance justifies the change.

10. Optimized JsonSerializerSettings

Configure JsonSerializerSettings to avoid unnecessary overheads in the serialization and deserialization of JSON objects.

Example: Use custom settings to ignore null values or complex types that do not need to be serialized, reducing payload size and processing time.

Suggestion: Test different settings to find the optimal balance between performance and completeness of serialized data.

11. Hardware-Specific Optimizations

Explore hardware-specific instructions to accelerate mathematical and scientific operations, utilizing SIMD-optimized libraries.

Example: In a signal processing application, using SIMD operations can accelerate the processing of large datasets, making full use of hardware capabilities.

Suggestion: Ensure that the environment where the application will run supports these optimizations; otherwise, the code may not work as expected.

12. Roslyn Analyzers

Use or create Roslyn analyzers to apply optimizations at compile-time, such as removing redundant code or automatically adjusting code for performance patterns.

Example: A Roslyn analyzer can be used to automatically identify and optimize inefficient loops in the code.

Suggestion: Apply analyzers in your CI/CD pipeline to ensure that optimizations are continuously checked throughout development.

13. Reducing Boolean Branching

Reduce the number of boolean branches to improve execution flow by using techniques such as ternary operators or mathematical functions.

Example: Replace multiple chained if-else statements with a ternary expression or selection function to reduce the number of conditional jumps.

Suggestion: Simplifying branches should be done carefully to avoid compromising code clarity.

14. Service Locator Pattern

Resolve dependencies only when necessary to optimize memory and processing usage, especially in high-performance systems.

Example: In a dependency injection system, use the Service Locator pattern to resolve dependencies that are not frequently used, avoiding the premature creation of unnecessary objects.

Suggestion: This pattern can introduce unwanted coupling. Use it only when the performance benefit is substantial and well-justified.

15. Temporal Data Structures

Use data structures optimized for accessing temporal (time-based) data efficiently, such as linked lists with time intervals.

Example: In a network monitoring system, a temporal data structure can be used to store and quickly access performance metrics collected over time.

Suggestion: Evaluate whether a temporal data structure is truly necessary before implementing it, as the added complexity may not be justified in all scenarios.

With the final set of 15 advanced techniques, you’ve now mastered a comprehensive range of optimizations that can take your C# applications to the next level. From dynamic code generation to optimized serialization and temporal data structures, these strategies equip you to tackle the most complex performance challenges. As you apply these techniques, keep in mind the importance of testing and iterating to ensure that your optimizations are effective and sustainable. With these tools at your disposal, you’re well-prepared to build applications that are both powerful and efficient, capable of meeting the highest performance demands.

