Designing a Better Way to Stay Organized: My Capstone Project Journey

Anderson Agbi
2 min readJan 16, 2023



As a designer, solving user problems is at the core of what I do. For my capstone project, I set out to create an app that would help users stay more organized in their daily lives. I knew that there were already many organization apps on the market, but I wanted to create something that stood out with a unique value proposition.

Design Process:

I began by conducting user research and need-finding to understand the specific pain points that users were experiencing with current organization apps. From there, I brainstormed and prototyped several different solutions before ultimately settling on one that I felt would be the most effective.

One of the key features that set my app apart is its “smart reminders” feature. This feature uses machine learning algorithms to analyze a user’s habits and automatically set reminders for tasks that need to be completed. This makes it much easier for users to stay on top of their jobs without having to manually set reminders for everything.

Another important aspect of my design was the user interface. I wanted to make sure that the app was intuitive and easy to navigate. To test this, I conducted user testing and gathered feedback on different iterations of the interface. Based on this feedback, I made several changes to improve the overall user experience.


Creating this app was a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience. I am proud of the unique solution I have developed, and it will be a valuable tool for users looking to stay more organized in their daily lives. I’m excited to share my work with the interaction design community, and I hope that it will inspire others to think creatively when solving user problems.

As a final note, I want to stress the importance of user feedback in the design process. By listening to users and incorporating their feedback, I was able to create a solution that truly addresses their needs and improves their experience.

Thank you for reading my post, and if you’re interested in learning more about my app or trying it out.

Attached you can find some images of my design process, including sketches, wireframes, and final screens.

Thank you.

