How does an Average-Looking Guy Attract Women?

Anderson Lin
5 min readFeb 4, 2018


Women are appealed to the attractive guys, however not necessary the good-looking ones. Unfortunately, you must admit, that hot men do have the advantages. So here comes the question: how do you, the average-looking guy, have a shot with gorgeous women?

From the Inside: Build up your own Character

Think you’re awesome, then you’re awesome.

You must believe you’re the special individual that no one can ever replace. In other words, confidence is what you need most. Appearance is a matter of point-of-view, not a fact; it’s personal, not universal, while on the contrary, being confident is obvious and no one can stop you. It’s not about showing off and be ignorant, but feel free to express yourself and befriend with others.

The hardworking men are the most charming.

Women like smart guys; and by smart I don’t mean schoolwork, but the field you specialize in. Be “good at something” and charm gathers itself. For instance, use your music talent to write her a song, or use your tech skills to fix her laptop. Even if you cannot help her by what you learn, the look of you focusing on your passion is always irresistible. In addition, she’ll think of you whenever she finds something you like.

Humor is your magic charm, a trick to make women smile.

I’m not telling you to memorize lame jokes on the internet or make fun of others to feel superior, for this only work the opposite. According to the “18th Romance Report” by The Harlequin Enterprises Limited, it says that 73% of women stated to care about men having a sense of humor, which is 62% higher than men to women. As a matter of fact, make your life more colorful will help arise others’ interests in getting to know you and listening to your stories. By traveling, trying new things, and making new friends, you’re more likely to win their attention.

Be observant, trustworthy and be there for her.

Be thoughtful to observe her details, know what she wants and meet her needs; be reliable to help, support and comfort her. When she’s down, cheer her up with a movie or a cup of coffee; send her a postcard while traveling so she knows you think of her all the time; encourage her to chase after her dream to show your respect. You may not be the one she saw and fell in love with at first, but you can be the guy to company her through difficulties. She’ll eventually notice and appreciate your kindness.

From the Outside: Dress up your own Style

Dress neatly, properly and fit.

The most important thing is to dress pleasing to the eye. That is, no creases, no weird smells and no stains. Since you will never get a second chance to make a first impression, clean is definitely on top of the list. If you just get started in men fashion, buy yourself a suit is never out of style. Bear in mind that black, grey, white, navy and khaki are the easy-to-match colors that you can rely on most of the time.

Highlight your advantages and cover your flaws.

Your appearance is an unchangeable fact, nevertheless there’s always a way to improve by dressing well with clothes that fit. If you have short legs, wearing fitting pants will help them seem longer; if you’re suffering from obesity, wearing dark clothes will help modify your body shape (although going to gyms regularly is a much more efficient method).

Don’t just follow the trend, but create your image.

It’s a good idea to read some fashion magazines and catch up with the latest trend, but please don’t copy exactly what’s in, for they may not suit you. The best way to build your own style is to find inspiration in social media and magazines, then make it to your own. The ultimate goal is to become a fashion icon, not a trend follower.

Stay simple but significant, for less is more.

Don’t mix everything together, as metal with leather or stripe with plaid. While three colors appear to be the best in an outfit, be simple with a highlight: such as black suit with a bright tie, leather watch with leather shoes, or navy suit with Lapis Lazuli bracelet. If you want to be the guy to attract elegant women in gowns, then be the guy who wears suit to match her.

Be Attractive Inside Out: Become a True Gentleman

To sum up, what’s inside is much more important than the outside, because no matter how well you dress, women will leave you in no time when they realize you’re such a bore or a jerk. Nevertheless, your taste in dressing is the first step to impress others, since people often judge the book by its cover, and women are no exception. Only when you dress nicely will you catch their attention in the first place.

Clothes and personality complement one another, for Shakespeare said once “The soul of this man is in his clothes”, that the clothes you wear often represent your taste and part of your personality, and that’s the power you can’t ignore.

Build your character and dress your style, as the best investment you will ever make is in yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just an average-looking guy, follow the lead and become a better person, you will always end up with the best woman.



Anderson Lin

Entrepreneur @ Azuro Republic | Fashion Lover |Dreamer Writer in Quora