Various Treatments Done in Med Spa

Anderson Plastic Surgery & MedSpa
3 min readJun 14, 2019


Our skin is frequently the most dismissed part of our body and tragically, even the most mishandled part. In our ever busy lives, dealing with our skin is overlooked and consigned to the bottom of the take care list. Steady sun exposure and natural contamination makes our skin rashly age and look wrinkled. A Medspa or Medical spa at Fort Worth TX can instruct individuals about every day skincare schedule and offer restoring treatments to keep the skin new and young.

The Growth of Medical Spas

In the previous decade, there has been an enormous development in the spa and cosmetic field, with an ever increasing number of people deciding on different restorative and spa medications. Restorative spas are likewise quickly getting to be prominent as individuals are progressively selecting cosmetic or spa medicines which are directed as they are increasingly solid and questions can be explained all around by qualified doctors. These give beauty and health treatments to the individuals making them feel good and stress-free.

Services by Medspa in Fort Worth TX

Botox treatments: This consists of Botox injections which are simple and a low-impact treatment for reducing signs of ageing. Injection of BOTOX into a muscle causes it to relax, and as the muscles relax the skin over the muscle get smooth and the wrinkles on the skin get soft and slowly disappears.

Peel off for healthy skin: In this treatment, a chemical peel is used to improve the characteristics of skin on the face, neck or hands. The solution applied to the skin exfoliate the dead skin cells and peel off revealing the fresh and new skin underneath. The new skin that appears do not have much wear and tear thus giving a youthful look.

Kybella: Kybella is also a kind of chemical treatment in which the molecule named Deoxycholic Acid is injected locally which breaks down the dietary fat inside our body. Then our body processes those fatty acids and eliminate them from the body. People are mostly worried about the loose skin which can occur after the treatment, but there is a rebound in skin maintaining elasticity and tightening after treatment. Kybella MedSpa can now eliminate that double- chin, giving you a great look from every angle.

Juvederm: If you are worried by wrinkles or lines appearing around your mouth, cheeks and making them flat with age or with the advancement in years your lips have thinned, Juvederm provides an injectable dermal filler which can help you. These fillers are injected just under your skin to restore the volume needed. Fillers lift depressions caused by wrinkles from below, reducing their depth and appearance.

Medspa is getting popular among people these days to restore their natural beauty and look young forever.



Anderson Plastic Surgery & MedSpa

Anderson Plastic Surgery and MedSpa is a premier plastic surgery center and medical spa in Fort Worth and Weatherford, Texas.