Priscilla Anderson
2 min readJul 5, 2024
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Man walking looking Back
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Sun-drenched earth, a canvas bright,
Pink flowers bloom beneath my sight.
I close my eyes, the warmth I feel,
A world alive, both real and surreal.

People pass, a bustling scene,
Casual clothes, and suits so keen.
Some dressed for joy, some for the grind,
One couple catches my curious mind.

Laughter rings, then fades away,
The woman lost, in thoughts astray.
The man departs, she stands alone,
Tears glistening, a mournful tone.

Concern wells up, I draw near,
A silent question, a silent tear.
"Like passing wind," her voice breaks low,
"Here and gone, where will I go?"

A hidden pain, a silent plea,
Tears fall like wax, a flowing sea.
"Tell him," I urge, "his heart is true,
A love like his will see you through."

A wordless nod, a teary stream,
Her burden held, a shadowed dream.
She walks away, a mystery,
Leaving me lost in empathy.

Black shoes on tile, a corporate hush,
Papers shuffled, a whispered rush.
Counting cash, or problems faced,
Lives beyond, a hidden space.

Peaceful gazes meet my stare,
Lives beyond the office chair.
The day descends, a fleeting guest,
I cannot follow every quest.

One man shines, content he seems,
Finding joy in work’s routine.
A silent song, a gentle hum,
Peace for all, when duty’s done.

A spacious home, a chilling air,
Shivering form, a silent prayer.
Grand sleeping quarters, yet unseen,
A harsh voice cuts, a piercing scene.

Curiosity, a tempting snare,
I rush forth, exposed and bare.
A woman’s voice, a frantic plea,
Concern etched deep for all to see.

The joyful worker, a facade so frail,
Terror lurks where shadows trail.
Life’s a tapestry, both light and dark,
Happiness a fleeting spark.

Black clouds gather, night descends,
The day’s illusion quickly ends.
Packing memories, lessons learned,
Through meadows green, my journey’s turned.

Homeward bound, with flaws to mend,
Seeking peace, a journey’t end.
Oh, to walk the earth, a joyful soul,
Finding happiness, making myself whole.

Thanks for reading!

Priscilla Anderson

Creative fiction writer, LLB student and motivational speaker. Words are my muse, crafting poems and fictional worlds.