Carly Weinstein x Au Courant Life

Andrew Hennessey
5 min readDec 6, 2018


Carly Weinstein is a senior at Indiana University from Mendham, New Jersey studying Media Advertising. Carly created Au Courant Life in 2013 when she was a junior in high school. Au Courant Life is a lifestyle website designed to inspire women to become the best versions of themselves. In her free time, Carly is a singer/songwriter and she plays piano.

Give us your “Twitter bio” or elevator pitch.

Au Courant Life is a lifestyle website that I created in order to inspire women through style, fashion, health, and beauty. The different sections reflect different aspects of my personal life that I want people to improve upon in balanced ways. Some of this balance includes talking about stigma and body positivity while sharing fun, healthy recipes and workout plans. I also do a lot of outfit posts that can help women boost their confidence through following trends in their day to day and professional attire. Another part of the website includes makeup tutorials and home decor tips, so there is a lot to look into.

What entrepreneurial or innovative business or project are you currently working on?

I’m always taking my website to the next level. Right now, my progress is a little slower because I am a full-time student. During the holiday season, I create gift guides using data I receive on what was hot last year. Starting in September or October, I started researching trends to see what would be on trend for the upcoming holiday season. When people click the links on the gift guides that I post, I generate commission. Aside from the gift guide, I have weekly blog posts and I am thinking about what I will do after I graduate in May 2019. I am applying for jobs, but I am also thinking about taking a risk and jumping into running Au Courant Life as a full-time business.

How’d you get into entrepreneurship? What were some of your entrepreneurial highlights since then?

I got into this by accident. After years of competitive gymnastics, I suffered an ACL injury that made me unable to compete ever again. During my recovery, I was looking for something that I could claim as “my thing.” My family has always been very into health and fitness and I have always been a guide for my friends in terms of health, fitness, and advice as a whole. When I made this website in high school, I got made fun of a lot and people thought I was so weird. I’ve never been afraid to stand out and go against the grain, so I took this negativity as a way to motivate myself.

Eventually, my high school allowed me to dedicate half of my days to working on my website. From there, I presented my website to my entire school administration and began monetizing it through brand partnerships. Recently, I was featured on an iTunes podcast, which was the first time I have ever worked with a live program.

What has been the most useful entrepreneurial resource or experience at the University?

The Media School at Indiana University offers a course called MSCH-C 225: Reporting, Writing, and Editing I and it was very helpful in professionalizing my voice. Because I write a lifestyle blog, my voice tends to be a lot more casual. This course taught me how to refine my grammar, usage, and mechanics, which is important in any sort of work that someone does. My advertising classes within my major have also enhanced my artistry and creativity when it comes to designing things for my website.

What has been the most useful entrepreneurial resource or experience outside of the University?

I have had two internships in New York City that helped me immensely. One summer, I worked at Refinery29 as an advertising sales intern. It was an amazing experience because there were so many women working outside of the box. It was an all-around wonderful environment to be in. This past summer, I was the social media intern at GUESS. During my time at GUESS, I was able to get a lot of hands-on experience working with influencers and it taught me how I can work with brands and become a better influencer myself.

What’s was your favorite failure or learning experience?

One summer, I decided that I would go out on my own and monetize my website. I thought it would blow up in one summer. I realized that going viral takes a lot more than planning, organizing, and resources. I thought that by taking a break from interning, I would become an established entrepreneur and that is not what happened at all. It taught me that I need to be more patient with myself.

What’s the best advice you’ve received as an entrepreneur?

My dad isn’t an entrepreneur, but he is very successful, and he gave me the advice to be more balanced and patient. I am always so hard on myself, which is funny because my website is all about teaching people to be balanced. I have learned to take things more slowly and do things from the heart in order to grow Au Courant Life into something bigger.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurial students?

I actually have a few points of advice that I would give to other entrepreneurs. The first is that you shouldn’t listen to the criticism of other people. The second is that you must follow your heart and do something that you’re passionate about. Money can be your motivation, but passion must be why you do it. Lastly, be patient and do things the right way. Sometimes you’ll have to get your hands dirty to get things done the way you want them to be done.

Where can people find you in-person? Online?

I am at Indiana University until I move back to the New York City area when I graduate in May. You can keep up with me and Au Courant Life on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and on my website,



Andrew Hennessey

Andrew is a senior at Indiana University pursuing majors in Sociology and Gender Studies Honors with a minor in counseling.