Why is text added to a data visualization presentation

Zenith Celestial
2 min readAug 31, 2023


Text is added to a data visualization presentation for several important reasons:

Contextual Explanation: Data visualizations can often be complex and difficult to understand without proper context. Textual explanations provide the necessary context, helping the audience understand what the visualization is showing, the underlying data, and the insights being conveyed.

Interpretation: Text allows you to interpret the data and highlight key trends, patterns, and relationships that might not be immediately obvious from the visualization alone. It guides the audience’s attention to the most important points you want to convey.

Clarification: Sometimes, data visualizations can be misinterpreted or ambiguous. Text can help clarify any uncertainties, ensuring that the audience correctly understands the intended message.

Annotations: Text annotations within the visualization can point out specific data points or sections of interest. This helps the audience focus on particular elements you want to highlight.

Narrative Structure: When you’re presenting a series of visualizations, text can be used to create a narrative structure. It guides the audience through the story you’re trying to tell, connecting different visualizations into a cohesive storyline.

Source Attribution: Text can be used to credit the sources of data and references used in creating the visualizations. This is important for maintaining transparency and credibility.

Audience Understanding: Different audience members might have varying levels of familiarity with the subject matter or data visualization techniques. Textual explanations can cater to different levels of understanding, making the presentation accessible to a wider audience.

Accessibility: Including descriptive text is crucial for accessibility purposes, ensuring that visually impaired individuals can also understand the content through screen readers.

Supplementary Information: Sometimes, there might be additional information that you want to convey alongside the visualization but is not suitable for direct representation. Text can provide supplementary details, definitions, or background information.

Conciseness: While visualizations can communicate a lot of information efficiently, text allows you to provide concise summaries, takeaways, or key messages that can reinforce the main points.

In summary, text and data visualizations complement each other. While visualizations quickly communicate patterns and trends in data, text adds depth, interpretation, context, and structure to the information being presented. A well-designed combination of text and visual elements ensures that your message is clear, comprehensive, and impactful for your intended audience.

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Zenith Celestial

While I may not seek out large social gatherings or be the center of attention, I thrive in the virtual spaces that the internet offers