Understanding the Exclamation Point in Python

2 min readJun 19, 2023


The exclamation point (!) in Python has two main uses:

  • To run a shell command
  • To negate a Boolean expression

Running a shell command

If you prepend an exclamation point to a statement in Python, it will be run by your operating system shell instead of Python. This is useful for running commands that are not natively supported by Python, such as ls or pwd.

For example, the following code will print the current working directory:


import os

However, if you want to run the pwd command instead, you can use the following code:



The exclamation point tells Python to run the pwd command in your operating system shell. The output of the command will then be printed to the console.

Negating a Boolean expression

The exclamation point can also be used to negate a Boolean expression. For example, the following code will print True if the variable x is equal to 0, and False if it is not:


x = 0
if x == 0:

However, if you want to negate the expression, you can use the following code:


x = 0
if not x == 0:

The exclamation point in this case negates the entire expression, so the code will only print True if the variable x is not equal to 0.


The exclamation point in Python has two main uses:

  • To run a shell command
  • To negate a Boolean expression

It is important to use the exclamation point correctly in Python, as it can have different effects depending on the context.




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