The True, The good and The Beautiful — an integrative look at your environment via arch. Andra Raluca Tăutu — Arkia Design

Andra Raluca Tăutu
3 min readApr 21, 2020


“To understand the whole, it is necessary to understand the parts. To understand the parts, it is necessary to understand the whole. Such is the circle of understanding. We move from part to whole and back again, and in that dance of comprehension, in that amazing circle of understanding, we come alive to meaning, to value, and to vision” Ken Wilber “The Eye of Spirit”

After 20 twenty years of experience and collaboration with high-end partners on the national and international market doing architecture, interior design, planning and budgeting from start to finish, Ame Studio has a new branch: Arkia. At Arkia we act as consultants for high end interior design projects, we can suggest major verified dealers on the market for furnishing, and we can also work with you directly to make your dream environment come true.

Arkia (Hebrew: ארקיע, I will soar, Arabic: خطوط أركيا), because we are always up for a challenge. We never imagined, however, that will deal with a world epidemic. But a measure of an intelligent business is its power to adapt, the capacity of being in constant transformation attuned to the world. We’re now ready to help you on-line. As the whole world shifted to the digital realm, so did we.

If you read this, your home may be now your office. Having the right environment to shift from relaxing to focusing is crucial, and it’s not an easy task. Versatility, is our expertise.

The paradox of the challenge given by this world pandemic is that, although in isolation, we’re now more than ever internationally connected. There is no lockdown on being plugged into ideas and cultures of the world, collaborating and inspiring each other from all corners of the earth. Arkia is determined and able to continue to make a difference this way, and we’re here to help you do the same: stay connected with the outer world but also with yourself. More than ever we are experiencing now how strong our environment has an impact on your performance and overall well being.

From Bhagavad Gita, Plato and Aristotle, we know that to function well in the word we need the good (morals), the true (science/rationality) and the beautiful (art). Most of us are focused on what’s good and true, as these two aspects of life are more palpable and productive. Arkia’s primary focus in on the beautiful, a necessary part of the whole to support your vision and help you soar to your own highest potential. Why is Beauty important?

To keep a calm and creative mind one needs structure and rest but also beauty. When stressed, we often tend to focus on the negatives. It is known however that in the mist of agitation, when we shift our attention to a flower, a sunset or simply a nice picture on the wall, we can shift our whole mood. Small details are crucial. In time of stress, the mind gets obsessed by details. Arkia’s expertise is that we understand how space works — from the bigger picture of your overall ergonomic set up to the smallest right photograph or drawing hanged on the wall. We are working with you so beauty will beam at you from every corner, from every detail. Sitting for ten minutes on your favorite armchair set up in the right corner and gazing at your favorite photograph of nature or your loved ones can make the whole difference in the world.

Although we cannot serve you a welcoming hot coffee as we used to in our physical office, we can still host you remotely. There is no lockdown to good humor or passion and we have plenty of that via Zoom, Whatsup or Messenger. You can send us pictures of your space that needs a change, and we’re more than happy to advise what changes should be made. Deliveries of furniture and appliances are still happening and we can guide you where and what to buy from our trusted sources. We’re happy to consult you on the sources you prefer as well.

We are looking forward to meeting you on our Facebook page (please, search for Arkia_Design), and please, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call us directly, the old fashion way as well. We are fun and friendly, and virtually here for you.

Arch. Andra Raluca Tăutu



Andra Raluca Tăutu

I’m Andra Raluca Tautu, architect and entrepreneur, founder member of Arkia_design a branch of Ame Studio.