Simplifying Android Architectures for Developers — MVC, MVP, MVVM, Clean, MVI, VIPER — part 5: MVI

André Figas
3 min readSep 21, 2022




This Architecture is based again on 3 layers: Model, View, Intent

Model (Exactly like in MVC, MVP, MVVM)

The model contains Databases, business rules, and access to external resources.


First of all, do not confound this concept with the native class Intent that belongs to the Android library, it is not the same.

I will start with the new layer. Basically, this is where our connector communicates with the view layer based on events. We can understand that layer as an intent to trigger something somewhere.

Inside that layer, this intent has been split into 3 groups:


Trigger from UI. It could be an interaction or some event from the Android/Fragment lifecycle.


Trigger for UI to do some update like a Toast, Snackbar, or another type of update that tends not to be persistent in the UI, just to be shown and dismissed.


Here will be the current state of our page. It could be something like emptyState, errorState, dataState, loadingState, or another state that would make sense in the context of your application.

Note: We could change from one state to another state of the same type. This could happen, for sample, If you have a client loaded on your page, but for some reason, this client is replaced by another client.


This layer is responsible to update UI and receiving UI triggers like clicks, or some life cycle event, and requesting information from the connector layer.

I did not give many details about how this connector that we called Intent will be connected with the View layer.

Should we send an instance from view to that connector like on MVP?

Should our connector expose a kind of Observable or Live data like on MVVM?

The answer is yes to both questions. So, you can follow MVI + MVVM or MVI + MVP. Theoretically, we could force a kind of MVI + MVC, but I guess, as MVC was implemented for Android, It would not make sense, because basically, our activity would send triggers and receive to itself.


As I did in the Clean Architecture explanation, I will start with the common implementation, and after done I will explain how it is implemented by each architecture






MVP + Clean


As you saw, I had to add one more library here. The PublishSubject is a class provided by RxJava.

implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava3:rxandroid:3.0.0'

That was my choice, but you can do similar stuff with other tools that won’t be explained here.

But first, let me explain why LiveData do is not a good option here. Basically, if you start observing a LiveData when it has already some data, your observer will be triggered immediately.
So let’s suppose you used LiveData to send a simple toast for your UI. After screen rotation, your ViewModel will keep there. So your view will pass through onCreate again, and after you observe it, you will repeat the last event, then your toast will appear again. It won’t happen if you use a PublishSubject. This class does not persist states, it just notifies the observer that was subscribed before the trigger.

MVVM + Clean

You can check this project on GitHub. Remember to select the architecture that you wish to study on the build variants:

