Leveraging an AI Assistant: Part 2

Andre Williams
3 min readSep 28, 2019

Taking Action


User Interviewing! Ever heard of it? It’s the peanut butter in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Many people fail to engage in user interviewing due to a lack of knowledge. User interviewing is essential when it comes to building a scalable company. A person can have a groundbreaking idea but without market product validation the idea is just an idea. If people don’t see that the company offers a valuable service the company will fail to scale and make money.


Interview Design

The first step to running a successful company is setting aside idea bias. Oftentimes, many startup founders will let their ego get into the equation of their business idea. It’s substantial for prospective founders to do rigorous user interviewing. The key is to ask non-biased seeking questions. The goal is to figure out what people want out of the product. For example, I started my interviewing with broad questions. These questions need to resemble cover the category or domain As a computer scientist I always struggle with actually settling down and building the product. The significance of settling down and building the product is to ensure that too much time is not spent on design versus execution.

source: https://public-media.interaction-design.org/images/uploads/89421c020f9ee813fe3a27f073c5a7f1.jpg

User Interview Questions

  • Do you know anything about finance?
  • Tell me about your interests in finance?
  • What are your thoughts on investing?
  • Have you ever invested before?
  • What are the challenges that you may have faced from investing or not investing?
  • Has anything held you back from investing?
  • What makes investing risky?
  • What were your initial thoughts on investing before you started investing?

Eliminating Bias


The essence of these inquiries is to get inside the interviewee’s mind and see what their views are on investing. The key is to try an eliminate as much response bias as possible. Eliminating response bias allows for better accuracy on what the real problems they face as an individual. This is magnificent because they know nothing about my idea yet. They’re purely explaining their problems with engaging in the finance industry.

Best People to Interview

The best way to find people and acquire accurate data is to go to people on the street. This way, you’re directly interacting with prospective user of your product. You also have the luxury of reading social cues and body language, which beats any information from a google survey online or social media advertisement.

About Me



Andre Williams

Andre is a data scientist in the Bay Area who loves sharing content and making the complex simple.