The easiest HTTPS-Dashboard that every home lab should have

8 min readDec 24, 2022


You can deploy any kind of tool in your smart home lab, but if you work on it during holidays, nights, post work hours, for sure, you will forget every time the way you choose to access to your services (ip, port, name…).

Is there an easy way to handle, collect and secure these services in just few minutes?

Yes, the following one is just an example.

The target

After few minutes you will have a custom dashboard for all your homelab apps, secured with a rock-stable reverse proxy and a simple way to use secure HTTPS connections for all your services.

Your fantastic homelab dashboard


  • A local server, just like an old pc, a blade server or an Intel Nuc, that you can use on your local subnet H24. I assume that you will use an x86 or amd64 architecture on Linux-based OS, but if you have an ARM (Raspberry…) or a Windows OS you can easily adapt the following steps to reach the target. Port 80 and 443 must be free on the server and the local ip of the server should be static.
  • Ip connection to internet (static or dynamic ip). Expose though port-forwarding the tcp ports 80 and 443 of the home lab server.
  • docker and docker-compose installed on your home lab server. A good set of documentation is available directly on docker web pages.
  • A dynamic DNS name (just like NoIP or ones) or a static dns name in case you have a connection with a static ip. Remember to allow all subdomains with a wildcard “*.”. Replace “” with your own DNS name.
  • Optionally — you can work through ssh, directly on the server or using a kvm, but I suggest you to use Visual Studio Code with Docker extension or Remote Development plugin, it’s insanely efficient!

What is a reverse proxy and why we need it?

The Nginx Proxy Manager is composed by a reverse Nginx proxy and a web gui management console, that helps you to setup the proxy. The reverse proxy is, approximately, a web server where each page or content is retrieved from other servers. When I ask something to my reverse proxy he doesn’t have the content I want, and he synchronously ask for that content to other “host”.

Why is it so used today?

An example: if I have a Home Assistant instance on and a Owncloud instance on could be tricky to setup https on each servers, to expose all the routes and (very important) to remember every complete url. If I set these instances as subdomain reverse proxy hosts, I can browse through and The reverse proxy will handle the request for homeassistant subdomain asking the content to real server, that is hidden behind.

Let’s Go -> Turn on the containers

On your home lab server choose a path and make a directory for your proxy-dashboard environment. I usually create /opt/homelab or /homelab, so the proxy-dashboard folder will be, in my case, /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard.

Create /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/docker-compose.yaml inside the new folder:

version: '3.2'
image: 'jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest'
mode: global
restart: always
network_mode: host
- target: 80
published: 80 # Public HTTP Port
protocol: tcp
mode: host
- target: 443
published: 443 # Public HTTPS Port
protocol: tcp
mode: host
- '81:81' # Admin Web Port - This port will be exposed only in the LAN
- /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/nginxproxymanager/config.json:/app/config/production.json
- /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/nginxproxymanager/data:/data
- /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/nginxproxymanager/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt

image: rmountjoy/dashmachine:latest
restart: always
- "5000:5000" # Port for internal dashboard service. This port will be exposed only in LAN
- /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/dashmachine:/dashmachine/dashmachine/user_data

restart: always
image: strm/dnsmasq
- /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/dns/dnsmasq.conf:/etc/dnsmasq.conf
- "53:53/udp"

Create folders for your volumes, using the same paths of the docker-compose file:

  • /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/nginxproxymanager
  • /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/dashmachine
  • /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/dns

You are ready to turn on your containers, launch on a terminal of the server:

cd /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard
sudo docker-compose up -d

Setup of the Nginx Reverse Proxy

From a pc on the LAN navigate to nginx proxy manager UI page:


The GUI will ask you to access and then to change the administrator password, default credentials are:

Password: changeme

Now, go to Hosts-> Proxy Hosts and click to Add Proxy Host. We will setup the main hosted service: the dashboard.

Insert your personal url and the local IPv4 address of your server
If you choose Request a new SSL Certificate the nginx proxy manager will ask and renew automatically the https certificates.

Save, wait and BOOM, you can browse to to access your dashboard, from your lan and from internet.

Setup your dashboard

Your dashboard is just an exposed web page where you can collect links. Each [item] of the list (from Nginx Proxy Manager) is a link that you will see in your custom home-homepage. Destination urls could link services exposed through nginx proxy manager, other services on the same server or other devices, just like a bookmark bar.

Browse to, go to settings (default credentials are admin:admin), and edit your config file.

This is an example of configuration:

theme = dark
accent = blue
background =
roles = admin,user,public_user
home_access_groups = public
settings_access_groups = users
custom_app_title = HomeLabDashboard
sidebar_default = open
tags_expanded = True

role = admin
password = YouMustChooseAGoodPassword
confirm_password = YouMustChooseAGoodPassword

role = admin
password = YouMustChooseAGoodPassword
confirm_password = YouMustChooseAGoodPassword

roles = admin, user, public_user

roles = admin, user

roles = admin

[Nginx Proxy Manager]
prefix = https://
url =
icon = static/images/apps/nginxproxymanager.png
sidebar_icon = static/images/apps/nginxproxymanager.png
description = Docker container for managing Nginx proxy hosts with a simple, powerful interface
open_in = this_tab
groups = admin_only

prefix = https://
url =
icon = static/images/apps/portainer.png
sidebar_icon = static/images/apps/portainer.png
description = Making Docker management easy
open_in = this_tab
groups = admin_only

prefix = https://
url =
icon = static/images/icons/unifi.png
sidebar_icon = static/images/icons/unifi.png
description = The UniFi® Controller is a wireless network management software solution from Ubiquiti Networks™. It allows you to manage multiple wireless networks using a web browser.
open_in = this_tab
groups = admin_only

prefix = https://
url =
icon = static/images/icons/openhab.png
sidebar_icon = static/images/icons/openhab.png
description = Openhab
open_in = this_tab
groups = public

prefix = https://
url =
icon = static/images/icons/Apps-Owncloud-icon.png
sidebar_icon = static/images/icons/Apps-Owncloud-icon.png
description = Owncloud
open_in = this_tab
groups = public

[Home assistant]
prefix = https://
url =
icon = static/images/icons/homeassistant.png
sidebar_icon = static/images/icons/homeasssistant.png
description = Home assistant
open_in = this_tab
groups = admin_only

  • background = -> in this way you will have a new random background at each access, wonderful.
  • Replace “YouMustChooseAGoodPassword” with adequate passwords, these credentials will secure the configuration file of the dashboard that is exposed to internet.
  • One of the bookmark is the Nginx Proxy Manager ui, you can use as the url= (you have to properly add the host to proxy manager) or directly with url= IP_OF_THE_HOMELAB_SERVER:81 (prefix = http://)
  • Other bookmarks could be internal services already exposed through your brand new reverse proxy, just like home assistant and openhab, or external links just like
  • You have to manually load icons with the “Drag & Drop — choose” in the image card. You have to properly match names with the links!

Setup local DNS

To use access lists with sender ip we have to handle local requests directly from the lan. If you are sending a request from internet, a dns server will point you to public ip of your router. But you are inside the lan, you have to directly point the reverse proxy, otherwise your request could go to your gateway and then comes back with an “external sender ip”.

You have to setup a mini internal dns server. Just create a file /opt/homelab/proxy_dashboard/dns/dnsmasq.conf:

#explicitly define host-ip mappings

Now you must use the IP_OF_THE_HOMELAB_SERVER as primary DNS of the devices (or configure it from your dhcp server — router).

Add other hosts to your reverse proxy

Now you will configure each service on your network that you want to handle with the reverse proxy, in order to adding https support and a easy subdomain name (just like

We can start with Nginx proxy manager gui, but before we have to create an access list to restrict the accessibility of some hosts at the host in the LAN (for security purposes).

Come back to http://IP_OF_THE_HOMELAB_SERVER:81, then go to Access list -> Add Access List.

We can call it “LAN” and flag only “Satisfy Any”. On the Access tab compile:

This access list will restrict an host to be accessed only by devices in the lan (or lans), but not from a wan (internet) connection. In other words, you can access an host with this access list only from the same wifi/lan or from a vpn

Ok, now create a new host from Hosts tab:

remember to check “request new ssl certificate” and flag force ssl on ssl tab.

Good, if you have other services in the same server or in other devices you can setup the routes in the same way, for example:

From the settings of the Home Assistant you have to manually add “” as a trusted_proxies,

Great, you have done it!

Do you want more?

  • On Nginx Proxy Manager GUI you can create an access list that allow normal access from the LAN or username-password authentication from WAN. You have to create an access list just like before, flag “satisfy any” and add some usernames and passwords in the second tab.
  • Secure Openhab on top of this solution? Super easy with Secure Openhab deployment in 7 minutes


Basically, you are exposing the reverse proxy and all the hosts to internet, and this could be risky for your privacy and cybersecurity if you don’t handle it properly.

If you navigate from internet to your public ip you will get an http error page, because of reverse proxy will not respond to public ip requests. The proxy will respond just for urls listed on “hosts” tab of the proxy manager gui. If you just want to have https on your services, you can set all the “access list” options of the hosts (expect for the main host) to LAN.

Another thing… Google Chrome and Google-devices are using internal DNS instead of system dns. This can create some troubles to your new internal dns server. If you have a firewall you can block dns requests to google dns ip, or from the advanced settings of chrome you have to toggle off “use secure dns”.

Need help?

If something doesn’t work as it should do, calm down, you’ve just found another way that won’t work. Please, double check for the prerequisites and make sure you have a clean environment to start with the right foot. Still have problems? leave a comment and me or someone else could help you.




Follow my articles at Software Engineer at work as analyst, architect and full stack developer. Familiar with Networking, Clou