How to Birth A Big Offer Thingy (Are You Missing a Value Ladder in Your Online Business?)

Andrea Goodsaid
4 min readOct 5, 2019


Let’s start here.

A Value Wha?

A Value Ladder

What in the heck is a Value Ladder?? And why would you (and I) want one woven (seamlessly) into our online business?

I remember like it was yesterday … the first time I was exposed to or rather, the completely unexpected beneficiary of a well designed Value Ladder.

You could’ve flown a plane in and landed it in my mouth when I saw that puppy in action.

Wait. Are we on the same page?

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

No no no …

← not that kind of ladder.

Although it can have a sort of similar effect.

Ladders are for climbing, right? And they’re indispensable when you’re wanting to go to the top of something or reach something up high.

Especially if you’re short like I am.

In this case though, it’s not something up high in a closet or an attic collecting dust.

The high thing that we’re reaching for when we’re talking about Value Ladders … is income.

High Value paired with High Price Point — everybody wins flavored offers.

Here’s the definition of ladder that Google delivers when you type that into the search field.

That’s basically what a Value Ladder for a business can do … help you to climb the income ladder.

By creating multiple and increasingly valuable offers or opportunities for the same client or customer to buy from you over and over again. It’s possible to create a situation where you have a very happy camper as a customer…

For Life.

When done well and seamlessly, the transactions you can create together feel nothing but fantastic to your buyer. Ideally, they just plain feel good about their purchases. You get to feel amazing about helping them move in the direction they want to go.

And you can also earn a mighty pretty penny in the process.

Let me explain.

Here’s what comes back when you search Google for “Value Ladder”

The ultra important piece to understand is this bit:

“The Value Ladder ALLOWS YOU to cater to your client’s needs NO MATTER where they are at”

It’s sometimes also referred to as an ascension model.

Here’s a graphic of an ascension model aka Value Ladder that you’re probably already all too familiar with, where the brand-converted happily up-purchase.

At their fancy Apple Bars…. I mean stores.

Heck they’ve even been known to stand in line to be the first to get to buy.

Yep! Love ’em or hate ’em … Apple has their Value Ladder nailed DOWN.

SO what’s any of this got to do with you?

Well, you (and I, or anyone) if you want to leverage larger transactions in your business, while simultaneously having the bandwidth to be deeply serving your client… I unofficially referred to mine as my “Big Offer Thingy”

[sidenote: I say “thingy” a lot. You’d possibly think I could get penalized somehow for referring to stuff like that. But no, it’s authentic me. And turns out, people want to buy from people they can relate to. So … why not :) Never be afraid to “do you”]

But I digress.

Here’s the big finale (not lol) and the point.

You can begin today to draft your own Big Offer Thingy. Draw out the Value Ladder template like in the example above…

YES, I mean go get a legal pad and your favorite pen right now. You have a Value Ladder supported empire to plan! :)

Then plug in your products and services .

And when you get stuck, and you may very well, just holler.

If I can lend a brainstorming hand with what you might plug in where… I’ll be glad to. It’s one of my very favorite things in the whole wide world.

To help people just like you see the possibilities.

Heads Up: If you purchase anything through a link in this article, you should assume that I have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that I’ll be compensated in some small way at no extra cost to you.




Andrea Goodsaid

Has been a full time Internet Marketer since 2012, loves to talk shop and guide new (& not so new) people — is also way down the Human Design rabbit hole.