What is “Your Money Blueprint”? And how can understanding your Human Design help change it?

Andrea Goodsaid
4 min readOct 14, 2019


Let me say something about this right from the start.

I don’t pretend or claim to know everything about anything here.

Not about you.

> Only you can ever truly know you.

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

Not about your Money Blueprint.

> Certainly there are as many experiences and combinations of conditioning that could affect how we see a topic that’s as multi-faceted as Money as there are leaves on trees or stars in the sky.

And for sure, not about Human Design.

> Human Design (aka. the Science of Differentiation) is a vast knowledge base and the minute someone is certain they know ALL about it — head in the other direction.


What’s about to come out of their mouths will be laced with enough utter bullshit that it won’t be worth your time and energy to try sorting wheat from the chaff.

But I digress :)

The Relationship Between Our Money Blueprint and Our Human Design

What I do see is a relationship between our personal Money Blueprint and being able to begin unravelling what the heck has got us wherever we are with that.

And what can begin to be seen for those who embrace what’s called the deconditioning process in Human Design.

First, let’s define these two ideas a little more clearly.

Because one is response to conditioning — most often experienced when we were young and continuously reinforced over our lives by the decisions we’ve made.

And the other is a reflection of what we’ve experienced but also it holds the solution for potentially being able to see just how, according to our own personal maps, and possibly the maps of the people we grew up around — how our ideas and therefore, actions we take (and don’t take) have been affected and imprinted on us.

No one’s fault or anything… it’s just a mechanical-ness of our energy system (and theirs) that’s been what there was and is there to work with.

(and here I use the term “work with” very loosely… there’s actually nothing to DO, only things to notice and have them be ‘outed’ and relieved of their hold over us in that fashion)

These maps of ours are actually the key to (over time and with much ‘watching from the outside’) knowing just exactly how we are individually wired.

And can act as a jumping off place for some really interesting discussions and observations and understanding (and maybe most importantly — personal acceptance) about ourselves and the people we spend our real life days with.

Understanding Your Money Blueprint included.

What is Your Money Blueprint?

So yes, a quick definition of what we’re talking about here re. what your Money Blueprint actually is.

Let’s see what Google coughs up :)

Our money blueprints determine everything about how we relate to money.

The beliefs of our parents (or whoever raised us) can become deeply embedded in our subconscious. Habits and ‘truths’ that be may not even realize are there.

What is Human Design?

Human Design is a system for identifying and recognizing who you truly are, and possibly just as, if not more, importantly knowing who you are not.

It’s not too far fetched to say that it can be “Freaky Accurate” and often is hugely relieving and personally validating for the folks who bump into it.

Human Design offers a map of your unique genetic design, with detailed information on both conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. Using simple tools, it guides you in discovering your own truth. If you suffer from a lack of self-love or clarity about your purpose and the direction of your life, this system can help. — Jovian Archive

At this point, you might want to go grab your own Human Design (basic) map. I think this site has the easiest interface.

Might be great if you printed it too.

Have your chart in hand?

How to begin to look at your Human Design Chart

In particular these maps show areas where we are uniquely energetically consistent (defined) and also where we are energetically inconsistent (undefined).

Whenever there is an area that shows up as colored in, those are defined areas we can rely on. However, wherever there’s an area that shows up as white — these are the spaces in our design that are the most available and deeply influenced by the conditioning of other people.

So it may not be only the influence of our parents — because they’re our parents. It could be there were other people around you during your most impressionable years.

There may actually be more (much more) to the story depending on our individual Designs and also the Designs of everyone around us as we were growing up.

How many Undefined (white) Centers do you have in your Human Design Chart?



Andrea Goodsaid

Has been a full time Internet Marketer since 2012, loves to talk shop and guide new (& not so new) people — is also way down the Human Design rabbit hole.