Functional Nutrition Tip — The Web of Interconnections

Andrea Nakayama
3 min readMay 19, 2018


You can be a part of the global solution AND create a thriving practice that helps the people you’re passionate about helping.

Functional Nutrition Tip — The web of interconnections

I recently returned from a symposium that was focused on the future of Functional Medicine. The event was buzzing with practitioners who’ve realized that working Functionally is the answer.

It’s both the answer to our global health crisis AND the answer to our individual desires to do 3 critical things:

  1. help more people
  2. grow our businesses
  3. expand our reach in our own communities

Do you have one (or all) of those aspirations too?

I bet you do!

You probably recognize that the conventional models and methods are working less of the time. People are getting sicker and sicker, and only practitioners with specialized skills and insights into individualized medicine are getting results.

But wait!

You can be a part of the global solution AND create a thriving practice that helps the people you’re passionate about helping.

The best part: you don’t have to know everything, have a medical degree, or any other superpowers to have the successes you’ve been envisioning.

The Functional Reframe — Embrace the Connections

Did you ever sing that song in elementary school that went something like, “The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone…The thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone…” and on and on from the tip of your toes to the top of your head?

Well, even if you didn’t have a silly singing ritual in school like I did, you get the point — our body parts are connected!

Not just the skeletal parts, but all the organs and systems that those bones protect as well.

Functional Nutrition realizes that not only is the knee bone connected to the thigh bone, but the liver is connected to the brain, which is connected to the stomach, which is connected to how well you slept last night, who your parents are, whether you have an older sibling, and what you crave for breakfast in the morning.

And that’s just the beginning of the interconnections!

Out of Theory and into Practice

You may know this already in theory, but to take this concept of interrelatedness out of theory and into practice is a whole different animal!

It’s one thing to understand that over 70% of our immune cells are in the gut, but what does that mean in terms of real-life practical skills that you can use with the people you want to help — people with real immune issues like autoimmunity or cancer?

The answer is complex, but it starts with something simple — a system you can use no matter your scope of practice that will show you:

  • Where to start with every client
  • How you can play a unique role in the healthcare revolution
  • What’s missing from most healing protocols, and how you can be the one to fill that gap!

One of the biggest secrets in my successful clinic is this: We not only address the diagnosis that our clients have, but we also (and primarily!) address the environment in which our client’s illness exists.

This allows us to practice epigenetic mastery. You too can become an epigenetic master, start here.

Functional nutritionist and educator Andrea Nakayama (FNLP, MSN, CNC, CNE, CHHC) is leading patients and practitioners around the world in a revolution to reclaim ownership over our own health. Her passion for food as personalized medicine was born from the loss of her young husband to a brain tumor in 2002. She’s now regularly consulted as the nutrition expert for the toughest clinical cases in the practices of many world-renowned doctors, and trains a thousand practitioners online each year in her methodologies at Functional Nutrition Lab.

Connect with Andrea on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram.



Andrea Nakayama

Functional Nutritionist | Educator | Founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance | 15-Minute Matrix Podcast Host