Health & Money…You Can Create Both in Your Practice

Andrea Nakayama
3 min readMay 11, 2018


In order to have a successful practice, you need a steady stream of new clients. Here’s how.

As practitioners, we all share one deep desire — to help people get better.

I’m sure that’s at least partly why you’re here!

We all want to use our knowledge and skills to help clients finally get to the root causes of their illness, and to create a path for them to follow that will lead them out of pain and into a healthy, fulfilling life.

That’s why we practice.

We also practice to make a living. We have to.

That’s why I created Functional Nutrition Lab — to teach you the skills and tools to give you the success you need.

So I’m thrilled that you’re here with me, learning the tools that truly are the backbone of my success.

You probably also have your own personal reasons for practicing nutrition…

Maybe you’ve been through a health crisis yourself.

Maybe a friend or loved one was (or is) ill, and you’re motivated to find the answers so he or she no longer has to suffer.

Or maybe you recognize the troubled state of healthcare today, and you want to play a part in revolutionizing how we help people heal.

(For me it’s yes, yes and yes!)

Whatever your reason for taking on the work you do, I want to thank you.

As a leader in the world of nutrition and its role in the healthcare revolution, I know we need you. Your clients need you, and this movement of change needs you. So thank you.

Let’s get real…

But let me get back to that idea of making a living. Let’s get real for a minute here…

In order to have a successful practice, you need a steady stream of new clients.

You need referrals and rave reviews, right?

To have this steady stream of new clients, you need your current clients to get results. They need both physiological and emotional results — to feel better in body and spirit — before they’ll speak out about the powers of working with you.

To get these results, your clients need to follow your suggestions.

You need compliance.


Compliance has become a dirty word for some people, conjuring up feelings of being pushy or overbearing.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The kind of compliance you need isn’t forced onto someone, but rather is born of partnership and trust between patient and practitioner. It’s a conversation about what your client wants and how your expertise and guidance can get her there.

It can be beautiful, because it ultimately leads to what your client wants…RELIEF!

And you get relief too, because you know that your nutrition practice, born out of a deep desire to help people, is also what makes you a great living.

It’s a win-win!

What’s more, you get to expand your reach and play an even bigger part in the healthcare revolution.

So where do you begin?

To create trust, compliance, and results, start by learning how to master epigenetics — the factors that bathe your client’s genes, literally turning disease and dysfunction ‘on’ or ‘off.’

What we eat and how we live alters how our genes function. To become an epigenetic master start here.

Functional nutritionist and educator Andrea Nakayama (FNLP, MSN, CNC, CNE, CHHC) is leading patients and practitioners around the world in a revolution to reclaim ownership over our own health. Her passion for food as personalized medicine was born from the loss of her young husband to a brain tumor in 2002. She’s now regularly consulted as the nutrition expert for the toughest clinical cases in the practices of many world-renowned doctors, and trains a thousand practitioners online each year in her methodologies at Functional Nutrition Lab.

Connect with Andrea on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram.



Andrea Nakayama

Functional Nutritionist | Educator | Founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance | 15-Minute Matrix Podcast Host