Prompt Engineering

6 min readMay 2, 2023


Tips on how to get the chatbot working for you in sourcing!

#prompting, #AIChatbot, #ChatGPT, #recruitmentandAI

Hey, fellow chatbot skeptics! I used to be just like you, thinking that interacting with bots was nothing but a frustrating waste of time. But then I discovered ChatGPT, and everything changed.

If you’ve ever asked ChatGPT a question, the odds are high that the reply began with the phrase “As an AI Language model, I…”, followed by a lengthy disclaimer about the AI’s abilities and limitations.

Now, I want to share 3 tips that will help you master the art of communicating with this amazing technology. With these tips, you’ll be able to get the most out of your interactions with ChatGPT when you are sourcing for candidates and never feel frustrated again.

When I think of talking to a machine instead of a human, I can’t help but associate it with how it used to be. Whether it was trying to contact my bank’s customer support, getting help from a retailer, or dealing with the infamous chatbot Amelia, I always ended up feeling stuck — just spitting out pre-written responses that had nothing to do with my specific needs. Not to mention the security questions and passwords that I had to remember just to talk to a robot. It was a nightmare. Or worse, being directed to a generic FAQ page...

With the experiences and preconceptions I had, it has been a challenging journey to change my attitude to interacting with chatGPT and discover the benefits it has. The good news is that only after a couple of weeks of playing around with chatGPT, my attitude has shifted. I enjoy on a day-to-day basis the ways it has contributed to my job.

These tips are designed to help you get the most out of your interactions with the technology and to help you feel more confident and comfortable when using it.

” The hottest skill to have on your CV right now has to be “prompt engineer”

PROMPT ENGINEERING is the process of designing effective prompts for conversational AI systems. It involves crafting clear, engaging messages or questions that guide the conversation toward a desired outcome. It’s a crucial aspect of conversational AI design, as it directly impacts the user experience and the system’s effectiveness.

Learning prompt engineering is an absolute must, if you want to unlock the full potential of chatbots and other conversational AI systems.

Think of it like this: the prompts presented by these systems are like the keys to a treasure trove of information and assistance. By mastering prompt engineering, you’ll be able to craft keys that fit perfectly into the locks of your desired outcomes.

1st tip: Dialogue over keywords

The first concept I had to grasp is dialogue over keywords. I had the preconception based on past chatbot interactions that keywords are the way to go. The truth is, it might work with chatGPT in some instances, but you might be surprised what is out there once you start looking at prompting as a dialogue, and you have a proper conversation with the bot. To put it simply, if we give poor prompts you won’t get what you are looking for, and it might feed back something insensible.

Prompting requires a mindset of not giving up after the first try if you don’t get what you wanted. Being a talent sourcer, I can’t help but mention here, that I think sourcers and researchers are well-suited to be prompters, we have the right mindset and set of skills to master the bot, as we are used to not getting the results we desire at first try and digging deeper, changing the way we look for candidates. With that said, anyone can easily master prompting, and I’m here to guide you further.

Think of the prompts as ingredients to a recipe. The more detailed and flavorful the ingredients, the tastier the dish will be.

2nd tip: The power of personas

I’ve come to appreciate the power of personas in making interactions more engaging and effective. By encouraging ChatGPT to roleplay as different characters or personas, you can unlock a whole new level of conversational AI experience.

One of the biggest benefits of persona-based interactions is the ability to create a more personalized and customized experience for the user. When ChatGPT adopts a persona, it can speak in a tone and style that resonates with the user and matches the context of the conversation.

When I’m sourcing for a new position, my favorite way to use chatGPT is to have it be my assistant in learning about the industry; the degree; the day-to day responsibilities of the people in the role I’m targeting. An easy way to do so is to give it the persona of a teacher:

Note that the current data available to ChatGPT is restricted to the training data, and therefore it can only provide information up until September 2021. Fingers crossed, the latest data will be incorporated soon. Below is an example of what potential it holds in speeding up your market research:

I find it extremely useful and time-saving that my desired results are presented in a neat and easy-to-digest format. Feel free to ask for your data in table format, or as a bulleted list, or a reply of a certain length.

3rd tip: Carry on the dialogue, and give feedback to adjust the narrative

Even though carefully constructing the first prompt is important to set your discussion up the right way from the start, I encourage you to adopt the mindset of carrying on the dialogue to get more personalized results. This can be done efficiently by giving feedback to the bot.

When I’m writing emails to candidates, I build my prompt the following way to get a unique and engaging email.

„You are a recruiter: I will ask you to write an email outreach to a potential candidate to get them interested in the job. You will write a 3 paragraph long approximately 500-word long email in a friendly and engaging tone. You will include in an interesting way the following job details (insert JD and requirements) You will emphasize the recent funding stage the company got and the growth opportunities.”

As I’m rarely satisfied with the first response as I’m curious how it can be improved and built in a more unique way, so I always tell the bot what I didn’t like or what to do more of. Below are my most used phrases:

change the format to…

change the length to…

change the style to…

change the subject line to…

change the ending line to…

use a different phrase instead of…

make the email sound more formal /professional/casual /tone it down/ technical/friendly/funny

add emojis that fit the context

put more emphasis on the funding stage and highlight the current growth opportunities

shorten the part about the job requirements

make the job requirements sound more interesting and give examples

change the ending line to be more personal

Remember, the ways you can adjust your prompt and change the outcome is endless and only depends on your creativity and the effort you put in to reach your objective.

Bonus tip: Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a crucial skill that can help you navigate the vast amount of information available to us in the digital space. It is essential to approach AI technologies with a healthy dose of skepticism and a critical mindset.

When talking to a chatbot, it is crucial to ask yourself and if needed double-check with other sources whether the information it is providing is accurate and trustworthy. Always verify the information through multiple sources, and don’t take the chatbot’s response at face value.

And when it comes to AI images, they can be fascinating and beautiful, but it’s important to remember that they may not always be accurate representations of reality. By questioning their accuracy and looking for potential biases, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world around you.

So, embrace your critical thinking skills, be mindful, and use them to your advantage when interacting with chatbots and AI images. You’ll be amazed at how much you can learn and how much more informed you’ll be.

☺I hope some of these tips will revolutionize your interactions with the bot too!




Budapest based Talent Sourcer. Passionate about #personaldevelopment, #itsourcing, #yoga, #techstartups