How to analyze the audience of a media outlet to create effective SEO strategies?

Andreaa Godoy
3 min readJun 29, 2023

One of the fundamental pillars of SEO strategy for media outlets is understanding the audience. Decisions cannot be made without a clear understanding of the audience’s typology. By understanding their preferences, behaviors, and needs, a deep connection can be established through effective communication.

Today, we will discuss the importance of understanding the audience when working in a media outlet and provide some recommendations on how to achieve it in order to establish a robust and optimized content strategy.

Immediacy is one of the elements present in the daily work of a media outlet. That’s why an SEO strategist working in a news media must constantly stay updated with trends, algorithm updates, tools, and most importantly, how their audience consumes news from the website.

This factor makes this task one of the most challenging in a newsroom because capturing the attention of users increasingly requires detailed analysis strategies that allow understanding and even predicting audience behavior and trends.

Understanding this will enable the team to create valuable content that resonates with the audience and fosters user loyalty over time. Here are some recommendations that the strategy team can follow:

Understanding and getting to know the audience

1.1 Knowing where the audience comes from: This is a fundamental step because it initiates the interaction process between the user and the brand. In SEO, it is called knowing the medium and traffic source. This information can be used to detect strengths and weaknesses in the content strategy.

1.2 Understanding their behavior: Once the source and medium from which users arrive are known, the data must be analyzed to adapt content distribution channels to different audiences. It should be understood that users of news media have different preferences when it comes to consuming content. Therefore, in this phase, it is necessary to understand not only where users come from but also what they do when they arrive at the website and their content preferences.

Collecting data about users

2.1 Understanding users: It is essential to use analysis tools such as Google Analytics and social media analytics platforms to gather data about the audience’s demographics, main areas of interest, time spent on the site, and their navigation behavior. Analyzing this data will help identify patterns and trends, which will aid in making decisions regarding content creation and distribution strategy.

2.2 Defining demographics and psychographics: It is necessary to understand the audience profiles to create precise and effective profiles, taking into account demographic information such as age, gender, location, and occupation. Additionally, understanding psychographic characteristics such as interests, values, and behaviors is crucial for adapting website content to resonate with each profile.

2.3 Segmenting the audience: Segmentation allows for offering more personalized content, as there will be people who only want to consume political and economic news, while others may be interested in technology and sports updates. For example, there is a difference between a sports newsreader who has been following a team for years and knows all the details of a sports event and a reader who simply wants to know the results of a very popular match. This phase is essential because it allows for creating specialized content that attracts specific groups, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

Monitoring and iterating

3.1 Tracking and analyzing performance: Once the audience-based content strategy has been implemented, constant monitoring is crucial. Tracking metrics such as traffic, interactions, and conversion rates will help identify which content resonates most with the audience and which areas need improvement.

3.2 Iterating and refining the approach: Based on monitoring and analysis, it is important to iterate and refine the strategy’s approach. Understanding which content works best for the website’s audience and identifying areas for improvement is key. It is also important to experiment with different formats, topics, and categories to optimize content and meet the changing needs of the audience.

