You tell me you are bad at yoga

Drea Burbank, MD
2 min readOct 10, 2021

You must understand, I see a time-lapse

Photo by Olivia Bauso on Unsplash

You tell me you are bad at yoga
Or gave it up
Or are the best but I do
Not see it

I see 20 mats in front of me
And you walk in and take a
Mat, as do some others
And in and out of years you
Stand and sit and lie
Tears fall
Pools of water grow and dry and
Sheen on you
Your eyes clear and cloud and
Darken like the skies

Day and night skud over you
And you blur with so many motions
But your form
Slims, firms, becomes more graceful
Your fingers float…

You begin to See
Your face clears and
Smiles begin to flicker on it
This multitude that is you on
Many days, many years, many

Begins to have purpose
You see your destination
Perhaps one body fails and
You return with another

I myself have shed a body or
Two as we stand
Facing each other
In a dance as old as

Finally seeing each other
My brother

Until one day finally you

So I don’t care if you
Are bad at yoga

Please, come dance with me

