Andrea Cadelli
5 min readSep 21, 2017
Picture taken from Tribe Writers Conference 2017

Are you tired of attending one bad conference after another? Did your last conference experience include dodging stuffy business professionals and weaving through countless irrelevant vendor booths only to discover that the speakers weren’t even worth your time? I know the feeling.

If you can relate to this, I’ve probably met you at one of these conferences. I’ve been to too many that fit this description.

But then something truly awesome happened.

This year, one of the conferences I selected was the Tribe Writers conference hosted by Jeff Goins in Franklin, TN.

What I experienced there truly changed the way I think about the craft of writing and sharing my message.

So, of course, I had to share some of what I took away with you. Because I don’t think anyone should endure one more stodgy conference — life’s really too short!

3 Things That Make Tribe Writers Conference A Unique Experience:

  1. There were 13 speakers and 13 of them were phenomenal — this is the first time I’ve experienced all of the speakers killing it at a conference.
  2. The Premium ticket (which I had) included many additional bonuses including a special dinner with Jeff and the speakers, 2 mastermind sessions, a VIP lounge that was stocked with adult beverages and a lounge area for networking, extra classes on email marketing and video production tips taught by Tech expert Andy Traub.
  3. It was actually FUN — mainly because Jeff creates a wonderful and inspiring environment that includes games, interviews with Authors, special drawings, group fundraising challenges, a dance party, and plenty of time for networking that actually felt enjoyable.

Here’s Who Should Attend Tribe Writers Conference:

I’m an author, speaker, and coach and this conference was perfectly suited to help me grow my business. Exponentially.

If you’re a Marketer, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Coach, or someone who has to curate compelling content that engages your audience, then Tribe Writers is the most important conference you can attend all year.

Here’s Some Of The Key Takeaways From A FEW Of My Favorite Speakers: (With videos so you can see them in action)

Marsha Shandur — Storytelling Coach & Founder/Producer of True Stories, Toronto’s biggest storytelling show.

Martha Shandur — Image from

Often when I come to a conference as an attendee, my emotional response is that I hate everybody. A way to combat that is through getting people to tell stories…

When you get people to tell stories, you realize that they aren’t perfect — they don’t have it altogether either.

And then you think, “Oh, maybe you’re not going to judge me for not being perfect.” Stories open us up to emotional connection by breaking down the barriers between us. — “YesYes Marsha”

Ishita Gupta — Speaker, Leadership Coach, and Founder of Fearless Magazine

Ishita Gupta — Image from

Create compelling content that engages people by “Making your mess your message”. To do this, you must use your voice. To find your voice, amplify your quirks.

Ishita also warns of what happens when we procrastinate and hold our message inside versus sharing it:

When you’re not doing your work,

when you’re not writing,
when you’re not brave with yourself,
when you want to talk to someone
and you don’t push yourself,

life sucks.

You just feel smaller. You feel like a smaller version of yourself.

— Ishita Gupta

Jonathan Fields — Author, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Good Life Project

Jonathan Fields — Image from

Learn how to pay “exquisite attention” to life. Exquisite attention promotes the inner game of the creative process and allows you to turn towards “bids” (offers) versus away from them. When you learn to do this, you will notice you have an exquisite life.

— Jonathan Fields

Sean McCabe — Author, Entrepreneur, Copywriter, and Hand Lettering Expert

Sean McCabe — Image from

“Showing up every day includes “deliberate practice”. If you’re not practicing, you’re not honing your craft. “Don’t start with motivation — that’s a result from doing. Just start.” — Sean McCabe

Ways to Find Your Voice (So that your written voice is natural and authentic)

  1. Write like you talk
  2. Read what you wrote
  3. Record your speech
  4. Listen to your voice
  5. Transcribe your words
  6. Re-write your message to tighten it
  7. Repeat this process

This is very small sampling of the talent that Jeff Goins brings into this conference. I can’t wait to see who he’s bringing in next year! I’ve heard some rumors, but I’m not the kind of girl who likes to gossip.

If you want to expand your skills as a writer, meet some talented authors, network with other aspiring authors, and learn ways to grow your business, then you‘ll want to attend Tribe Writers conference in 2018.

I don’t know where you’ll be this time next year, but you know where to find me. If I get lucky enough to meet you, coffee is on me.

Let’s stay in touch, we have stories to tell each other. Sign up here and I’ll send you an excerpt from my new book, The Way Gargoyles Play, to help you overcome fear and pursue your purpose.

Andrea Cadelli

Communication Coach on a mission to turn purpose-driven leaders into powerful influencers who inspire change and influence results.